Artificial Intelligence is an …show more content…
While my research and findings will remain the same, the essay’s style will be drastically different. Because the audience is an everyday reader of the newspaper, I can’t assume they know about artificial intelligence. I will need to provide a brief but detailed description on the basics of A.I. The whole essay will be a slightly simplified version of my scholarly essay, and while my research questions remain the same, my purpose of the essay is different. When writing the Op-ed, its purpose will reflect a more informative tone in hopes of telling the general public about what A.I. has the potential to do.
The fate of the world may lay at the hands of artificial intelligence. We might need its help to fight against a super virus or stop global warming, or we also could be victims of a genocide. It depends on my research question: how can we harness the possible positives of A.I. without the potentially disastrous outcome? Through research of the limits and ethics of machines and artificial general intelligence, I will determine the path we should take with artificial