Abstract of the project report: We are going to discuss about the elements of artificial memory through the three movies: Total
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Inception. These movies are about erasing and implanting memories. We will apply the concepts of memory explain the scientific and technological elements of the movies. As artificial memory is a new invention in the field of science and technology, we will provide a realworld example applied the concept and suggest a new possibility about artificial memory. Definition and explanation of Artificial Memory: Artificial memory is a method that we can erase or insert memories in a living brain, like storing the short term or long term memory. Memories can be categorized into two types, one is declarative memory, and the short and longterm storage of facts like names, email addresses, phone numbers, places and events; and the other is implicit memory, the type of memory used to
learn a skill like playing the piano, riding a bike, swimming or chopping wood. In recently years, the researchers have done a lot of researches to invent different methods to form short term memory, like the study published by Case Western Reserve University’s Ben Strowbridge and MD/PhD student Robert A. Hyde, demonstrating ways to store various types of shortterm memories. The researches would also help to fight against diseases like Alzheimer’s or
Parkinson’s disease. Overall summary of the movies: Total Recall is a 2012 American dystopian science fiction action film. In the 21st
References: . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. 7 (2013): 226. Print. 4. Scientists Give Flies False Memories . NewsRX, 2009. Print. 6. The 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013, Nov. 13, 2013, TIME http://techland.time.com/2013/11/14/the25bestinventionsoftheyear2013/slide/artifi