Autumn Rhythm is actually quite large for a painting. Being 207 inches wide and 105 inches long, the painting would seem staggering to any viewer. Not only would the size prove to be a bit overwhelming, but the piece itself, being created with the most untraditional methods, would keep the viewer entertained as well. Autumn Rhythm was created on the ground, surprisingly. The artist stated that he wanted to approach the piece at all angles, so having the canvas on the floor was deemed the best option. Pollock used knives, sticks, trowels, and pretty much anything that was nontraditional to create the intricate design that is Autumn Rhythm. However, when approached with the idea that the piece has no control or purpose, Pollock insisted that, “I can control the flow of the paint: there are no accidents.” Of course, at first glance it would be hard to believe that there is any control at all. Yet, at a closer look, the viewer can discover that there is balance, grace, and unity within the work. Basically, despite the spontaneity, Pollock was very precise with his use of color and movement when creating Autumn Rhythm.
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