Admittedly so, I knew nothing of Sandy Skoglund or anything about her work. Learning that she was a professor of art really meant nothing to me. Until I looked at her work and how she created it all I had no interest. I learned that Sandy spends 6 months to a year to create her backgrounds. Only then feel her work is ready to allow her models the opportunity to pose for her. In the background she uses, she often uses food because she feels it is what people relate to. I have seen art using different media and fact of her using food did not surprise me too much, but to see how she used it was the amazing part. Spending, at the very least, 6 months to create just a simple – not so simple – background is quite amazing.
In 1978 Sandy created images like Cookies on a Plate where she simply took seven fudge striped cookies and strategically placed them on a plate. The plate was striped in colors of yellow, blue, green, orange and red. The plate was then placed on a plaid table cloth where some of the lines were thick and some thin. The cookies and the plate were angled the create illusion that they were a part of the table cloth. She also created Nine Slices of Marble Cake. In this image, she took nine perfectly cut squares of marble cake and carved their edges in a rounded shape to create a circle out of squares. She then took the circle and placed it on a blue, black and white marble table or counter top which looks almost paisley. Though the colors are completely different, the contrast is quite nice. The brown and beige against the blue stands out marvelously. These were simple images compared to her recent creations.
By 1981 she was creating images that really reflected images of reality.
Revenge of the goldfish looks to have little goldfish floating throughout the room, coming out of the drawers and from under the bed. The live models used seem completely