As graphic design surrounds and bombards our visual experience via internet, television, billboards, mailers, posters, and newspapers, it’s hard too imaging that as an art form, it is relatively a new practice. Our encounters with graphic design are common experiences in our daily life, as we interact with this art form on a consistent basis.
Our engagement with graphic design is usually casual and unintended, as we do not seek out graphic design in the same way look for other art forms in a gallery or museum.
Before the mass production of goods in the Industrial
Revolution, graphic designs were primarily involved with the practice of designing, illustrating, and printing books, which brings us to one of the most important revolutions of our time, the invention of movable type and the printing press. Graphic design as we know it today began to flourish in the mid 1800’s as companies began to compete with one another not only for our attention, but for our pocket book. Graphic Design
Graphic design essentially gets us to do something, buy are poorly executed and thought about. As consumers, something, or go somewhere. It is a process of arranging we are well aware that some things are well designed and typography, symbols, and images that enhances our visual some are not. experiences of day to day life.
The overall history and progression of movements is far
With the proliferation of the personal computer and too complex and lengthy to absorb in one week. This graphic software, it seems that just about everyone can chapter is a brief overview, exploring a few major points in practice graphic design with a certain degree of success. the field.
Unfortunately, this is not accurate by any means as there are enormous amounts of information in our world that
Graphic Design
Although we may not understand the Russian language,
Aleksander Rodchenko appeals to our sense with thoughtful relationships between type, shape and color.
“Give me sun at