Arts integration combines curriculum and teaching among dance, music, theatre, and visual art, and interconnects the arts with non-arts subjects.
Integration takes many forms as teachers from different subject areas collaborate for rich curricular connections.
Arts Integration Theory (Back to top)
Arts Integrated Instruction has become an area of great interest over the past decade as schools across the country are discovering the power of the arts when used as a catalyst for teaching across the curriculum. Arts integration is not a substitute for teaching the arts for their own sake. We are champions of art specialists in the schools, and recognize the need to add to their forces in cities across the country.
What is Arts Integration? It is important that all educators become aware of the successes that have been demonstrated when students become engaged in their own learning via arts integrated instruction. Arts integration is not about artist residencies, or occasional arts projects that connect to other curricular subjects. It is about a methodology and a philosophical approach to education that creates a level of personal connection and added depth in the classroom through a creative inquiry-based process of teaching and learning.
How do I learn more about how to do arts integration? This module in combination with the On-line Expeditions website encourages a layering of arts integration within the classroom as students engage in this work. You can access resources in your community, or within your own building perhaps, that you didn't know existed before. Possibly the arts specialist(s) in your building would like to explore