This is where Arts Integration comes in. Arts Integration is an approach to teaching that considers how student learn. “The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge Education Network defines arts integration as an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.” (7) Arts Integration is a hands-on, cross curricular way of teaching. Any art form can be combined with any core subject area at any grade level but cooperative teacher planning is a necessity. An example of music and a core subjects being taught through the Arts Integration approach uses storytelling from language arts and the musical work of “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergey Prokofiev. Students could read the story, listen to the music and write a similar style story and pair that story with another musical selection. They could also identify the pairing of instruments to the character and explain why they believe the instrument and character go together. There are many creative ways to utilize this cross curricular method. Arts integration is a creative way for teachers to bring the benefits of music and other art forms to the teaching of core
This is where Arts Integration comes in. Arts Integration is an approach to teaching that considers how student learn. “The Kennedy Center ArtsEdge Education Network defines arts integration as an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form.” (7) Arts Integration is a hands-on, cross curricular way of teaching. Any art form can be combined with any core subject area at any grade level but cooperative teacher planning is a necessity. An example of music and a core subjects being taught through the Arts Integration approach uses storytelling from language arts and the musical work of “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergey Prokofiev. Students could read the story, listen to the music and write a similar style story and pair that story with another musical selection. They could also identify the pairing of instruments to the character and explain why they believe the instrument and character go together. There are many creative ways to utilize this cross curricular method. Arts integration is a creative way for teachers to bring the benefits of music and other art forms to the teaching of core