AS English Language
As a practice sample I have selected an extract of spoke discourse and transcribed it to illustrate the style of my investigation. I have extracted a sentence of spoken discourse by from a transcript where the teacher is the main speaker.
“I’d like you to add that to your mind maps”
The extract of spoken discourse displays a variety of linguistic features and accommodates a variety of sociolinguistic theories in conjunction with the contextual instrumental power being shown. The extracts literal meaning through the multimodal utterance “like” creates an element of possibility to the statement yet because of the context and the power of the teacher, the entire sentence carries pragmatical implications of the teacher not suggesting but indirectly instructing the pupils to carry out the action. The pragmatics of the utterance is an essential feature and a common feature in spoken discourse often used in schools or in context to similar professions. In this context the teacher is clearly exercising his instrumental power as an authoritative figure. The register too of the text somewhat displays such interesting features in relation to power inequalities within the classroom. The pragmatical implications in conjunction to the informal register are evident from the contraction of “I would” to “I’d”. The contraction of the word portrays a less formal nature of the teacher’s speech and thus corroborates Giles (1970) theory of accommodation by attaining a less formal register therefore reducing the difference in power between speaker and receiver. By accommodating language for successful conversation through register the discourse is also validating the co-operate principle. The direct address of the teacher to the students also illustrates the power and in this scenario the teacher dominance of the classroom, linking to instrumental power the teacher beholds and this utterance clearly