Bach Brandenburg Concerto 2 – Harmony and Tonality
Performing a Fugue
Progress Check on Composition Assignment 1
Learning Objectives
To be able to describe the tonal scheme, harmony and harmonic devices used in Bach
Brandenburg Concerto No 2.
To be able to contribute to an accurate performance of the Geographical Fugue and make suggestions as to how the performance could be improved.
To review individual progress on Composition 1 and set appropriate individual targets.
Brandenburg 2
Write a brief definition of:
First Inversion
Seventh Chord
Oh no it’s a
Theory Byte
Technical Name for the notes of the scale.
S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
M _ _ _ _ _ _
S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
D _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
L _ _ _ _ _ _
Key Relationships
Key Signatures
F C G D A E B Order of sharps
Semitone above = name of key.
B E A D G C F Order of flats
Name of PENULTIMATE flat = key signature
All major keys have related minor – same key signature. Minor 3rd below key note e.g. G major relative minor is E Minor.
Circle of
Tonality and Harmony
Class work - Discuss:
Plan and Key Relationships
Analysis of Chords and Cadences
Circle of Fifths.
Private Study Tasks
Continue working on your composition using the feedback/targets we discussed. Don’t forget Deadline One is 19th October.
Make sure that your Brandenburg score notes are fully complete as we will be working on questions next week in preparation for an assessment in the final week. Listen to the piece a number of times – use your annotated score to follow the music.
Private Study Tasks
Create a glossary of the key musical terms which link to the Brandenburg Concerto. Add musical examples where appropriate.
(Ritornello, Basso Continuo, Figured Bass, Flute a bec, Natural Trumpet, Arpeggio, Sequence
(rising, falling), Ripieno, Concertino,