Even within your own culture, every family is different and they do things that perhaps you would not do. Just like you will never know how another culture really is, you may get the idea but you personally may not deal with what they deal with. When I learned about this concept a couple months ago, it just made sense. Cultural humility makes sense; culturally competent does not if you think about it. I don’t believe that a human brain could ever fathom and understand all the different cultures that are in the world. The four essential skills of cultural humility include: active listening, reflecting, reserving judgment, and entering the client’s world. I do my best to implement this concept in everything I do, whether I’m at work or out and about in my personal time. One will never know what someone else is going through until you attempt to put yourself in his or her shoes and do your best to understand them. By listening to them and hearing the client out on what they think is the best thing you can do for them. I hope to continue practicing my cultural humility skills and never want to stop learning about different
Even within your own culture, every family is different and they do things that perhaps you would not do. Just like you will never know how another culture really is, you may get the idea but you personally may not deal with what they deal with. When I learned about this concept a couple months ago, it just made sense. Cultural humility makes sense; culturally competent does not if you think about it. I don’t believe that a human brain could ever fathom and understand all the different cultures that are in the world. The four essential skills of cultural humility include: active listening, reflecting, reserving judgment, and entering the client’s world. I do my best to implement this concept in everything I do, whether I’m at work or out and about in my personal time. One will never know what someone else is going through until you attempt to put yourself in his or her shoes and do your best to understand them. By listening to them and hearing the client out on what they think is the best thing you can do for them. I hope to continue practicing my cultural humility skills and never want to stop learning about different