The PNG education system faces a range of challenges. These include poor access to schools, low student retention rates and issues in the quality of education. It is often hard for children to go to school, particularly in the rural areas, because of distance from villages to schools, lack of transport, and cost of school fees. There are not enough schools or classrooms to take in all school-aged children, and often the standard of school buildings is very poor.…
If we analyze, education requires a big amount of money from its first brick till the completion. In our country for the last 60 years our government is spending hardly one percent of its yearly income to the education. Where as developed countries are giving maximum attention to the education and giving eight to ten percent of its yearly budget to the education. In foreign countries instructional staffs are highly payed but in our country the lowest salaried are paid to the teachers. Most of the institutions are with insufficient accommodations .most of the classes in every institution is very big in numbers and these become difficult for a teacher to handle. Play grounds are not there. Books required for the students to consult are not available in the existing libraries. Financial hard pressed teacher cannot give full attention to the students .Students living far away from the institutions are not provided with the transport Tuition faces are in most of the institutions unaffordable for the parents .course books are very costly and most of the books are not available in the market . most of the laboratories not exist in the institutions and if these are then not equipped with the apparatus…
Education plays an important role for the people. It is one of the main parts of their life. That they consider the education significant is because they want to have a high level of life. Having a good education provides people a position where they feel happy, comfortable as well as rich. Unfortunately, some students do not have a good education owing to the problems in terms of discrimination, hunger and contagion. Having an education may change according to cultures, even inside a particular country. When it is compared and contrasted between my country and the U.S., there are not only several differences, but also some uniformity in the class.…
It is very important for everyone to get education, it helps in changing life. There should be a wish for to improve the educational system and to always be ready to develop it. There are numerous ideas as to what comprises an ideal education. There may be lot of factors come together to make an ideal education (Haralambos, 2000). Deprivation may effect a child 's education in many ways. Children that live in poverty often live in the most deprived areas of a neighbourhood (Ball, 2003). These areas often have schools which may be at the lower end of performance league tables. League tables show that schools in areas of social…
* With large proportions of children in the country, there will not be enough education. There is a shortage of toilet facilities and educational material. Often schools have to adopt a 2 shift system; some children educated in the morning and some later in the day.…
The good news is that you can choose how to repay society for allowing you to be educated. Your method of giving back depends on your degree area, your age, and your talents and interests. Each one of you can select ways to actively give back. A passive, but very positive, way to repay society is to ensure that you never use your education to purposefully harm others. But, this is not enough. Be active - give of yourself and your time if you don’t have money, and continue to do so even when you do have money. You can make a difference – it can be small or huge. Many of you are here due to some relationship with an organization that recognizes excellence. As a student who has already been acknowledged as excellent, you may have even more responsibility to be cognizant of societal responsibility than other…
Filipinos hold close several values. One of them is education. We have complete faith in formal schooling as we have the notion that to be educated is to have a better life. Education is regarded as a gateway to improving our social and economic status. Sending to college is one of the priorities of the Filipino family. However, with the economic difficulties and relatively high cost of college education in the country, many families find it difficult to send their children to college. The average yearly cost of education continues to increase. As anxiety rises concerning the escalating costs of schooling, students are left with the decision of how to fund their education. Some take out loans, or apply for grants or scholarships.…
Approximately 75 million children around the world have no opportunity to attend primary school. Of the 75 million, most of them are girls due to tradition or parents that hold them back from attending ("Main Navigation"). Other factors that affect children from going to school is because of conflicts and wars that result in schools to be destroyed and families to flee the country. Lack of education is a growing crisis due to many factors in developing countries but it has the power pull a country out of poverty and make them economically stable and attract other countries to trade, therefore it should be seen as a priority. Developed countries are involved to help countries increase their education because every child should have the right to education and be able to have access to education to learn so they can lead and help the future. Developing countries have insufficient budgets dedicated to education, a poor quality of teaching and learning environment and lastly kids too poor to attend school due to costs.…
Education occupies a central place in Philippine political, economic, social and cultural life. It has always been strongly viewed as a pillar of national development and a primary avenue for social and economic mobility.…
The two issues that I see currently in education are parent involvement and diversity. There are many similarities between problems today and educational difficulties in the past. One major problem with education today as well as in the past is the lack of education support from some parents. Some Parents do get involved while others seldom involve themselves in their children’s education. When the parents don’t check homework, make sure homework is done; keep up with their children’s grades is just a few examples. A lot of this is due to single parent homes, excessive work hours, and lack of support from family and friends. It is very problematic when diversity kicks in. In the past diversity between African Americans and Caucasians caused uproar in the school system. Today even though we have overcome that issue; we still have diversity between the social classes. Next, we used to be at the top of education in the world. We now trail behind Europe and Asia in every aspect of educational success, even though we spend more money on education. Americans spend far less time in class rooms with more homework then other countries (biggest-issues-facing-American-public-education-leaders-today paragraph 2). We also have a high percentage of high school graduates that are at low percentage in math and breading. This percentage jumps even higher among the population of Hispanics and African Americans.(…
First of all, inequality is the major problem that we face today. The higher and higher education budget to one school is going to aggravate the problem. The special schools’ students are funded adequately, on the contrary, the myriad of the students in regular ones are insufficient. Regular schools’ students do not have much opportunity to study…
K-12, or Model Kinder-6-4-2 is a program developed by the Department of Education. The educational system in the Philippines will now have thirteen years of basic education. The research is bound to finding out the differences and similarities of Philippine K-12 from other countries. The researchers also conducted an interview with Mrs. Luz Mandaue and she said that the educational system in other countries is better than the Philippine K-12. K-12 was compared with the U.S. educational system and the Chinese educational system because their government gives importance to their education. Our research will show that reforms are usually for the better especially when they see that we are always left behind. The researchers’ study is about K-12 and some other educational system of countries like U.S., China, Japan and Singapore. The researchers would like to know why Filipinos prefers to study in foreign countries rather than in their own countries. And this study would also like to show what benefits will the incoming generation of students gain with this system, and to show how other countries adjust during an educational reform. The researchers would like to inform Filipinos in what might happen in their system of living once K-12 is the on-going educational system of the country.…
They say that education is the best social leveler, that it can alleviate poverty which could lead to economic development. If it really is like most of us believe it is, then therefore the education sector needs serious attention.…
In present times, still, there are Filipinos are excelling in the field of academic performances. Hence, as the time goes by, many students are getting failed in their subjects, especially college students. Instead of studying hard to have a good grades, students this days used to go anywhere with their friends and stroll around, not thinking of their responsibilities as a student. Aside from that, many students are pawned to addiction of computer games which led the students to have cutting classes during school hours. These are just some of problems that the students are facing now.…
It is very difficult to get back the students life. So at this stage of life students should take part in social activities. Students should have the feelings of patriotism. They should think not only about their own future but also for the future of their nation.…