First of all, when your are a child you don't have many responsibilities. Children depend on their parents who make desitions for them. Nowadays, I know many adults are packed with problems and many responsibilities and usually they think back to the time when they just have to think of school homework, put away their toys or if they will be invited to a birthday party or not. That's why they remember that time of their life to be a very happy and unstressfull time.
Another reason that makes you remember childhood a happy stage in your life is the excitement to learn and discover new things. Usually, young kids feel excited to learn and are willing to do activities like sports, dance, music, arts and crafts. I remember when I was a child and we had school trips to science museums or theme parks I couldn't sleep the night before the trip because I was so excited.
Moreover, when you are a child you make lots of friends. Most of my best friend are from those early years. We have sared lots of good and bad memories and experienced chalenging things while growing up together. Also, friends you make in adulthood are not the same as friends you make in childhood. Childhood friends are true friends because they know you well and they are close to you and not based on who you are and what you do.
Finally, when you are a child you have lots of play time. This is something adults don't have time anymore. If I want to play tennis I have to wait for the weekend, but when you are a child you need to play almost everyday. It is important for their development and to learn how to socialize with other children.
In conclusion, I think childhood is the happiest time of our life because when you are a child you get excited about everything you learn around you, also have lots of time to play and real friends and finally they don't have to worry about taking desicions and have fewer responsibilities compared to an adult.