The school board defends him, “oh a simple mistake, a bit of bad luck, a learning experience” and he maintains his position. Colleges are impressed by his presidency, he gets many scholarships. This boy gets so much more benefit from those around him simply because he doesn’t have to physically carry the baby and can refuse to claim responsibility. The girl however has to publicly carry the child for 9 months and can not dismiss the claims that she is pregnant. By some she would be deemed dirty, irresponsible, and likely, a slut, having few options but to deal with the ridicule. Losing her position as ASB president would simply deepen the wound, years of hard work thrown to waste by a biased school board. Humor me for another hypothetical: track star, basketball star, and quarterback. An extremely busy schedule for this young man. He’s running for ASB president against a girl who is pregnant and just as, if not more, qualified for the position. “She’ll miss meetings because of her morning sickness, doctor’s appointments, and the delivery itself!” No one mentions that meets and games wait for no one and that he would miss many games as well. “He’s the face of the school!” they say. “He’d be a great president!” He is in even less control of his responsibilities than the girl as he can’t reschedule a game or postpone a meet. These opinions negatively affect the girl’s chance of winning and would make it harder for her to win despite neither situation having much claim as to why she should relinquish her
The school board defends him, “oh a simple mistake, a bit of bad luck, a learning experience” and he maintains his position. Colleges are impressed by his presidency, he gets many scholarships. This boy gets so much more benefit from those around him simply because he doesn’t have to physically carry the baby and can refuse to claim responsibility. The girl however has to publicly carry the child for 9 months and can not dismiss the claims that she is pregnant. By some she would be deemed dirty, irresponsible, and likely, a slut, having few options but to deal with the ridicule. Losing her position as ASB president would simply deepen the wound, years of hard work thrown to waste by a biased school board. Humor me for another hypothetical: track star, basketball star, and quarterback. An extremely busy schedule for this young man. He’s running for ASB president against a girl who is pregnant and just as, if not more, qualified for the position. “She’ll miss meetings because of her morning sickness, doctor’s appointments, and the delivery itself!” No one mentions that meets and games wait for no one and that he would miss many games as well. “He’s the face of the school!” they say. “He’d be a great president!” He is in even less control of his responsibilities than the girl as he can’t reschedule a game or postpone a meet. These opinions negatively affect the girl’s chance of winning and would make it harder for her to win despite neither situation having much claim as to why she should relinquish her