Social evils are the bad habits or activities that take root in the society andcause harm not only to the person who is involved in these activities but alsothe people who are related to him or live around him.Pakistan is a developing country characterized by rising poverty which is saidto be the mother of all evils but apart from that there are social trends,customs, norms and practices are more harmful for the mankind than thepoverty related issues. Let’s discuss both briefly:Poverty leads towards a gap between poor and rich and this gap get widenand the poor becomes poorer and rich, richer. This situation leads the poorpeople towards frustration and to get normal they harm their own self orsometimes society. Thus, this frustration leads the young people towards theaddiction of drugs or crimes. They start smuggling, commit thefts to snatchtheir so called right and this leads towards societal insecurity and safetyproblems. People are killed and robbed and the concept of welfare state isdestroyed. Moreover, pressure of rising inflation and the social inequality,where people see their fellow citizens using luxuries lead poor people towardthe evil of bribery which is common feature of the public sector offices inPakistan. This increases the greed of the people taking bribery and the wholemachinery of the public administration get corrupted which is the case inPakistan. The frustrated people seek refuge under the shelter of drugs andthe healthy nation get close towards the doom of destruction. This situationis very much common in Pakistan where unemployment is on the peak andwithout reference or bribery the good jobs cannot be secured and the tiredand frustrated educated representative of the young nation starts takingdrugs. This story do not ends here. The children are abolished to go to schooland are forced to work for their livelihood. The work conditions and wagerates for such children are shamefully worst. Yet they are forced to do thework like beasts. Due to poverty fathers cannot afford another social evil thatis ‘Jahez’ and the poor daughter remains unmarried and sometimes commitssuicide by taking poison or burning themselves and if unfortunately she getsmarried she has to live with taunts or her in laws kills her and simply say that“the stove get blasted”. Moreover, she is tortured for the doings she nevercommitted in her life. The women have been the subjected to the social evils before the Islam wasspread on the earth. The Arabs use to bury their daughter alive. But in caseof Pakistan this tradition seems to be prevailing in other ways. ‘Karo Kari’ isan old tradition prevailing in the Sindh province of Pakistan according towhich when a man and women are found suspected to have relations the
tribal ‘Jurga’ may give the verdict to kill them both even if the suspectedcrime could not be proved, which is against the morality and humanity.Moreover, to secure the property for the male heirs the female heirs areforced to marry with The Holy Quran which is outrageous and neither Islamnor the law enforced in the country allows such doings.Apart from the explicitly seen evils of society, well published by the media,other behaviors of the people living in the society of Pakistan also can beconsidered as evil. There seems to be a change in the behaviors and actionsof the people living here, which is making them selfish and greedy. A wellknown concept of individualism imported from western countries, which isme, me, me and only me behavior which indicates towards the behavior of people seeing themselves an individual not the part of wider society. It isonly ones profit that matters even if it is for the cost of other’s life.Industrialists here in Pakistan do not take the necessary measures to disposeoff the wastes of their plants because these measures are costly and let theairs and waters of the country pollute that affect on the health of people. Ingeneral nobody believes the concepts of right and wrong. We are losing ourvalues where children do not have time for old parents or grandparents andthe core values of honesty, tolerance, empathy and respect are beingviolated. In context of Pakistan, religious extremism has lead towards manyproblems people do not know the true spirit of Islam and commit unjustifiedacts like suicide bomb blasts and terrorist activities to destabilize thepolitical and social environment of the country. Moreover, there are religiousgrouping like Shiyyah and Sunni who keep rowing each other. The mainreason for such thing is mainly lack of education and political and socialawareness. People do not know their rights and others powerful peopleexploit them. This situation is very much severe in the less developed andfeudal controlled areas of Pakistan. The feudal lords intentionally restrict thedevelopment of their governed areas as to the basic facilities of education,infrastructure and utilities. Feudal lord is considered the owner of not onlythe lands of that area but also the life of people living under his vicinity. Then there are so called festivals and functions which do not relate toPakistan as Basant and Mehndi. People spoil a lot of money on theseoccasions for nothing and cause harm for society. During the festival of Basant a lot of innocent people are killed or get injured. Mehndi creates thesense of inequality among the society. The key question is here to ask our self. Where are we going? Have any of ushas contributed towards the eradication of these evils? But we don’t waste
our time on such things and say it’s the responsibility of government. But,what’s our responsibility? To elect that government who do not listens totheir people after they are elected? It is another social evil. Not taking theresponsibility for our surroundings. When a business man is required to copeup with all environmental and social issue which