A Risk or a Benefit? In 2006, over ninety percent of Canadians are relying on vitamins for their daily diets. Many Canadian families have been spending at least 1.8 billion dollars and American families spent 22.5 billion dollars on vitamins, according to the Nutrition Business Journal (Montreal Gazette). Nutritionist believe that taking more vitamins than needed is not the best way to help the body to become stronger and healthier, exercise is always the best way to maintain the body in the right shape because the bones and organs do not need to rely on the vitamins. As people grow older, they slowly grow weaker and slowly become unstable, therefore, doctors would recommend them to take vitamins. Vitamins play a key role in our daily lives; they provide us with the amount of nutrients, decrease pain and injury in certain areas, but it could also give us side effects and deficiencies. Benefits of Nutrition Over the years, many nutritionists state that vitamins and minerals provide us good sources of nutrients that we cannot find in certain foods we consume. In one of the articles, Nutritionist Jonny Bowden stated, “Mainly vitamins and minerals come from fruits and vegetables with lots of colour”. (Gianni) They also said, eating fruits and vegetables provide us with 10 times more minerals and vitamins than junk food, fast food, and meat products. Unlike, Yuan 2 meat products give us protein, but it also contains fats and lipids, but fruits and vegetables give us mainly Vitamin C. For example, broccoli, green and red peppers, collard greens, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, lemon, cabbage, pineapples, strawberries, and citrus fruits contain this vitamin. Vitamins C is an antioxidant vitamin need for the formation of collagen to hold cells together and for healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels, and for eyes and it also improves iron absorption and resistance to infection. There are several different
Cited: Carter, Kirsten. Buzzle. 2009. 9 Dec. 2009 < http://www.buzzle.com/articles/vitamin-b-complex-side-effects.html> Cryns, Greg. How Vitamins Improve Your Health. 2009. 9 Dec. 2009 < http://www.compleatmother.com/womens-health/vitamins/help.shtml> Gazette (Montreal). Canada. 2008.8 Jan. 2008 < http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/weekendlife/story.html?id=f3e3cc7f- d23f-4514-9cd2-1d0017ff6e3c> Haynes, Nicky. Psychology. London: Hachette, 2003. NutriStrategy. 2005. 9 Dec. 2009 < http://www.nutristrategy.com/nutrition/vitamind.htm> Vitamin B12 and old age. Nutrition Research Newsletter. FindArticles.com. 14 Dec, 2009. <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0887/is_11_27/ai_n31161086/>