As mentioned in previous paragraphs, Ford must also continue to develop Information Technology Initiatives like FPS, ORD, and FRN to compete with the other automakers. Process controls and manufacturing processes will be essential to Ford’s successful future in the automobile industry.
Our final recommendation would be that Ford continue to refine its role in the vehicle business. Using strategic partners and outsourcing as possible will allow Ford to concentrate on its core vehicle businesses without any distractions. A secondary benefit will likely be reduced costs in the manufacturing process and a decreased production cycle for vehicles.
This is the part of the paper where we provide an update related to the actual decision by the company in the case. For the Ford case study, it is difficult to tell exactly what happened in regards to virtual integration. However, several Web sites that mentioned Ford in regards to both supply chain management as well as virtual integration. One example specifically, talked about Ford’s purchase of some supply chain management software. This information could be viewed in two very different ways. My opinion is that through the use of virtual integration, Ford was able to reduce the number of vendors that it deals with (although there are still many), and wanted to further increase its economies, hence the purchase of the supply chain management software. The other opinion would be that Ford never took off with the virtual integration idea, and that is why they needed to purchase this supply chain management software, as everything is in such shambles.
Hopefully, for the future of Ford, our group hopes that they did decide to implement virtual