Faculty of Civil Law
1st Sem., 2013-2014
Atty. Joeven D. Dellosa
The required paper serves as the student’s final examination in this course. It should be submitted not later than 5pm of 21 October 2013. Late submissions will not be accepted. A student who fails to submit within the deadline shall be given a grade of 65 in the final exam component of the final grade.
The final paper must be a substantial scholarly work of a quality akin to a law review article. Its length should not be less than 25 pages but not exceeding 35 pages.
The final paper should sufficiently demonstrate the student’s skills in legal research. It should be adequate in its analysis and argument, and must be written in a coherent and concise language, in a style that commands attention. It should use simple language and avoid literary flourishes. It should correctly follow the conventions of citation. The paper should clarify the argument being presented, and not obscure it.
Students must follow all of the formatting requirements outlined below. Failure to comply with these requirements will merit corresponding deductions from the final grade.
1. Lay-out and Appearance
Computer printed on white 8.5” x 13” paper in Times New Roman 12pt.
Double-spacing should be used in the text of the paper. Single spacing should be used in block quotations separated from the text and in footnotes. Paragraphs should be indented, and an empty line left between paragraphs.
Margins should be one inch on all sides. Pages should be numbered at the bottom in the center.
2. Organization
Divide your paper into sections, beginning with an introduction. Number each section and provide it with an appropriate section heading.
The paper should begin with an introduction presenting an overview of what it is about, and situating its context. The introduction should outline the structure of the paper: it