The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been the representative of regional economic cooperation and integration among developing countries. As part of the structural changes of the world economy, ASEAN has implemented intra-regional economic cooperation since 1976. The new goal is the establishment of the ASEAN Community which consisted of three pillars; ASEAN Political-Security Community, ASEAN Economic Community, and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. Since ASEAN has also been an important axis of regional economic cooperation and free trade agreements (FTA) in Asia and Pacific’s. A big step toward realization of ASEAN Community is the Southeast Asia regional economic integration into ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) within 2015.
As economic integration, AEC is dealing directly with economic stuffs. The part of AEC that impacts directly not only the ASEAN’s entire members, which all of them are APEC’s member economies too, but also represent the possibility and potentiality of a real regional integration, rather it be successfully established among the economics vary of members, or facing obstacles of cooperation. This paper will study about ASEAN preparations for AEC, its situations, challenges and how AEC impacts on APEC as a portrait of regional economic integration.
ASEAN and its blueprint on AEC
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been the representative of regional economic cooperation and integration among developing countries, within the structural change of the world economy. In East Asia, ASEAN has been the sole source of regional cooperation. Founded in 1967, ASEAN has promoted deepening and widening of regional cooperation since its founding, deepening its political and economic cooperation and fostering other types of cooperation. The five original members in 1967––Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines,
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