|(Bottom Left of College Card) | |
|Year: |2 |
|Course Code |MN2155 |
|Course Tutor: |Dr Huaichuan Rui |
| |Dr Li Dong |
|Assignment No.: |1 |
|Degree Title: |Asia Pacific Business |
|Question No. & Title: |2. Has state played a leading role in upgrading technologies in the |
| |Asia Pacific? Answer with reference to relevant theories and use |
| |comparative country and/or corporate examples. |
Question 2: Has State Played a Leading Role in Upgrading Technologies in the Asia Pacific?
Several governments have played a leading role in upgrading technologies in the Asia Pacific. The government of Hong Kong has applied a different strategy than other countries Asia Pacific, which is called laissez-faire. The Government of Hong Kong has confidence in the free market economy. It indicates confidence in the doctrine of the free market. Hong Kong's approach was more passive and general than in other countries.
In South Korea, the government plays an active role in local technological development. The government developed and implemented a systematical national technology policy to upgrade technology.
The Korean