There has been a growing concern recently in the state of Michigan and several other states over a species of fish known as the Asian carp. Perhaps you’ve seen or heard something on the news. It hasn’t reached the great lakes yet but is expected too in the near future. As an invasive species it devastates native fish species habitat and spawning areas. Along with being a menace to boaters because once startled the fish jump out of the water striking the Boater and causing serious injury.
Other states who have had to deal with this problem are at a loss as to how to stem this menace to the water ways. Federal and State fisheries and game departments have no idea how to completely eliminate these invaders and at best only slow them down. they are truly unstoppable in their invasion of American fresh water’s systems so far.
All of the solutions are extremely costly and have had little or no effect. Such as poison or electro shock They are fighting a losing battle with a super prolific foe who has little or no natural predation to stop them. They are an ecological nightmare for conservationist in all of the states that it is currently present in. Michigan as a great lake state is in a particular peril from the Asian carp, once it gets to the great lakes it will move into all of the river systems in the state and surrounding states as well.
Having spent billions on cleaning up pollution and rebuilding its sport fishing on the great lakes. It is of great concern not only for those who fish and boat but depend on those who come to Michigan for the tourism of the great lakes and the people who live in this state who depend on those tourist dollars to earn a living. It will be your tax dollars being spent in a futile effort to save the lakes yet again from another ecological disaster.
Michigan has an advantage over a lot of the other states where this problem has occurred. The advantage is that it has ports for large ocean