Asian Indians
Tatia Orenczak
Baker College: SOC321R
This paper will examine the Asian Indian minority group in the United States and look at issues facing this minority in the workplace. Further a proposed training program will be developed to aid in understanding between this minority and the dominate culture. India has a history not unscathed by the negative effects of colonization and various forms of oppression. But the British gave up control of India in 1947 as a result of the peaceful resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi (Pavri, 2014). Asian Indians began immigration to the United States in the mid nineteenth century. The 2010 Census report 3.2 million Asian Indians living in the United States. (U.S. Census …show more content…
Bureau, 2012) Although the early immigrants were primarily laborers, the modern day Asian Indian immigrant is either well educated or coming to the United States to further their education (Pavri, 2014). Their contributions in education and business have been many. The Asian Indian community is one of the largest growing immigrant group in our country. It is important to understand and respond to the needs of this minority group.
Economic, Political and Social History
The economic status of Asian Indians in the United States has improved dramatically since the arrival first immigrants. The early immigrants were agricultural workers and construction workers, but in recent years Asian Indians coming to the United States are holding positions in the fields of engineering, medicine and accounting. Asian Indian Americans also are owners of many small businesses across the country. Indian peoples have very strong family ties. Those that have immigrated to this country and become successful economically help their family members do the same (Pavri, 2014). According to the “Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America,” Asian American Indians own nearly 50% of motels in this country (Pavri, 2014). This minority group also owns and operated many food stores and convenient stores as well as a variety of other small businesses (Pavri, 2014).
The Asian American Indians have historically had a history of non-involvement in the politics of this country. Often they remain tied to the politics of India, even providing contributions to political movements of their homeland. American born Asian Indians are showing more interest in the politics of this country and in the recent past there has been an increase of Asian Indian presence in political activities (Pavri, 2014).
Social Life The social culture for second and later Asian Indian generations is changing and varied. While their parents tended to socialize within the broader Asian Indian community and even more closely with their particular ethnic group, children of these immigrants are attempting to assimilate with the dominant white culture (Bayor, 2011). This may cause family conflict because the Western culture is very different from the traditions and practices of their parent’s Indian culture. Women entering the workforce, dating as opposed to arranged marriages, western dress are all areas of conflict between the generations as the children of immigrants look to assimilate into Western culture (Bayor, 2011).
Education is highly important to the Indo-American population. Of all foreign born Americans this group consistently holds the highest number of bachelor degrees and the highest level of professional degrees of any foreign born American group (Bayor, 2011). Because English is widely spoken in India, due to British colonization, it is easier for people from India to come to our country to attend college. Statistics gathered often place Asian Indian Americans in the broader group of Asian-Americans. Historically and currently this group scores well on standardized tests and has higher graduation rates than other ethnic minority groups (Kyllonen & Gitomer, 2002).
Family and Religion
The religions of India are many and can be complicated.
The four largest religious groups of India are Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, and Christianity. The early immigrants from India attempted to maintain separate from other cultures in their worship and true to their caste. Modern day immigrants face an integrated religious experience, often times practicing their faith with those from other countries (Bayor, 2011). This becomes a hybrid faith of sorts for the Indo-American. Further complicated by Western influence the religious practices of Indian immigrants will likely look much different than that of those from their homeland. Second and third generation Indo-Americans cannot appreciate the unique intricacies of their parent’s and grandparents’ religious rituals (Kalita, 2004). When living in India these intricacies can be witnessed on a day to day basis. Regional and caste differences would be self-evident and therefore make sense to the younger generation. The daily practices of Hinduism, for example, are impractical and not likely to be performed in our Western culture. Much of religion for the 2nd and 3rd generation Indo-Americans is in primarily in belief and much less ritualistic (Bayor, …show more content…
2011). Family structure of the Indian immigrant is likely to change significantly. Although many try to hold on to patriarchy and specific split gender roles. Having two parents working in America is more of a stress on the family than it is in India because the families here lack the support of the extended family unit. Indo-Americans find themselves adapting and assimilating into a more Western lifestyle (Bayor, 2011). Elderly parents of adult children are often brought from India to live with or near their children here in America. This can be stressful on them because they have lost their friends, and do not have familiar places and routines. Support groups have been formed to help the elderly have a social group and to help them keep their ties to their homeland (Bayor, 2011). In America the women often times will be running the family business (Grocery store, motel, etc.) while the husband maintains employment elsewhere to provide more stable income. In India the woman would not hold such a prominent, responsible role (Kalita, 2004).
Popular Culture
India culture has a strong place in our country. Indian Americans have used their talents in the entertainment industry as shown by their award winning movie, Slumdog Millionaire. “Bollywood” is now a popular movie genre not only sought out by those of Indian descent but also by the nation at large. While this is an example of the Indian Americans assimilating, they have arts and entertainment that reflect a more traditional India. Bayor relates how dance and classical Indian music play a large part in the Indian culture here in North America. They have their own dance school and have visiting performers in both dance and music from their homeland. Food is a highlight of any ethnic group and the Indo-Americans are no different. Food preparation is still a gendered role performed mainly by the Indian women (Pavri, 2014). There are Indian food stores and restaurants in all major cities. Traditional Indian food are prepared and sold to help maintain a connection with their roots (Pavri, 2014).
Indian traditional weddings are usually long extravagant celebrations lasting over several days. Much of their traditions have been maintained but many have adopted western practices for a wedding that has Indian roots with Western practices woven throughout. Indo Americans tend to celebrate Indian holidays especially India’s Independence Day as well as religious holidays. Dates are sometimes changes to coincide with American holidays for convenience (Pavri, 2014).
Career Application
In this part of the paper I am going to discuss how the Indo-American’s culture affects how they will interact when they are under audit by a State Tax Auditor. I spent the largest part of my career as a tax auditor for the State of Florida. In this profession you are in a position of governmental power. This position will interact with business owners, CEOs, CFO’s, board of directors, etc. from all walks of life and diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. The job of a tax auditor is one of inspection and enforcement. This is an uncomfortable position to be in for people from any culture. A tax auditor has the difficult task of conveying complex tax law to a very diverse audience. Often times the auditor must interact and conduct an audit when their contacts speak very little English or speak broken English. Business may be conducted in the owner’s home and the auditor will need to respect their living quarters. As an auditor it pays to be aware and sensitive to those they interact with in a course of an audit.
The nature of the job of a state tax auditor draws several general groups of employee types. There is the retired accountant/auditor well over age 50, there is the ethnic minority, mothers of young children and the ‘very green’ just out of college. Of this group of employees usually the most culturally aware are the recent college graduates. They also have the shortest tenure in the position, once they gain experience they are looking for more lucrative employment. The retirees and the ethnic minorities actually need the most diversity training. The retirees tend to be very old school and somewhat closed minded and the ethnic minorities often struggle to be understood by and understand the majority. But all auditors face challenges trying to be diverse enough themselves to be effective with the variety of contacts we interact with.
This workshop will present diversity training for interacting with the Indian business owner. In our area the auditor will most likely meet the Indian business owner when conducting an audit of a hotel, motel or a convenience store. Since the State of Florida has been doing a big push to audit these industries it was decided to focus this diversity workshop on the Asian Indian business owner.
There are a variety of cultural norms for the Indian people that may have an effect on the audit proceedings and on how they conduct business in general. Two big factors in the Indian community are family and hospitality. As we addressed earlier in this paper, in Indian culture it is the norm for several generations of extended family to live together in one residence. They value working together and helping one another succeed. In practice the lines of individual business entities often become blurred for the Indian business owner. This may cause a tangled web in accounting and bookkeeping records. Understanding that this is part of their culture and a possible issue will help the auditor to address the co-mingling of books and records objectively and sensitively without being accusatory and judgmental. It is important that the auditor address any non-compliances without becoming hostile or accusatory.
Indians are known around the world for their attention to being hospitable. As a tax auditor and a representative of the State of Florida a tax auditor cannot receive gifts of any type. According to the letter of the law they cannot even accept a free drink from a taxpayer. It is important for the auditor to be aware that the hospitable nature of the Indian people will lend them to offering you every comfort they are able to sometimes in excess. It is our nature as auditors to be suspicious and aware. This behavior may appear to be an attempt at bribery at first pass. This is generally not the case. The auditor that understands the Indian culture can be equipped to deal with this appropriately.
The emphasis on extended family for the Indians may pose a discomfort for the auditor. The information that we review and discuss is highly confidential and we are charged with keeping that information private. I have been conducting business with the business owners with several ages of children, young adults and elderly all present.
The Indian people are a patriarchal society. Often times the women may run the day to day operations of the convenience store and be listed as president of the company, but you will only conduct business with the husband. Sometimes it is difficult to gain a clear understanding of exactly who the business owner is. If the business owner is the wife and the husband is not listed as an officer the State will require a power of attorney to conduct business with him. For some it will be difficult for the men to conduct business with a female auditor.
The Indian people are very diverse in their religious beliefs but most are very ceremonial conducting regular daily ceremonies. They may revolve their appointments with you around such ceremonies. Many Americans mistake Indian people for those of Arabian decent or fear that all Muslims are terrorists.
Training Module
The audience for this workshop is the tax auditor of the State of Florida. This workshop will aim to present awareness training to aid the auditor in their interactions with the Asian Indian business owners. In this workshop we aim to decrease both stereotyping and prejudices while promoting tolerance and acceptance. The workshop will provide guidelines for reducing any racially charged comments among auditors by including our own Indo-American auditors as part of the presentation. The goal is that auditors will gain the knowledge to overcome cultural barriers when interacting with the Indian business owner and thus conduct a more effective audit
Suggested Workshop Agenda
Introduction to Cultural Diversity Awareness: What is diversity awareness? Why diversity awareness is important in today’s business operations and more specifically why it is important to the state tax auditor.
Asian Indians – An Overview: We will present a brief overview of who the Asian Indian is including a brief description of their history and culture. We will discuss the need to address this specific minority group.
Key Cultural Factors During an Audit: We will go over how the Asian Indians culture may effect an audit, including their overt hospitality, their strong value on the family unit and their possible religious views. In our region the common industries that are owned by Indo-Americans are convenience stores and hotel/motels.
Putting it to Practice – We will conduct several case studies based on actual situations our auditors have encountered as well as address how to overcome possible prejudices the auditor may hold.
A Word from our Indian Auditors: We have several auditors that emigrated from India that will give their personal perspective on being Indo-American.
Concluding Remarks: We will summarize who this population is, the need to be sensitive to our differences and encourage discussion.
Workshop Resource Materials
Below is a website that provides a concise but thorough overview of Indian culture the auditor’s reference.
Asian Indians in America are one of the fastest growing immigrant group and, as with other Asian groups, they are very diverse in their background (Schafer, 2012). While this group may be one of our ‘model minorities’ it is still important to understand our cultural differences. The new generation of Asian Indians in America is choosing to assimilate more to Western culture while the older generations struggle to hold on to their religious and social customs (Schafer, 2012). A suggested diversity workshop has been developed to help tax auditors for the State of Florida understand the Indo-American culture so they can conduct a more efficient and effective audit, while education the taxpayer appropriately. Cultural diversity awareness is a necessity to the tax auditor. The tax auditor must be able to communicate very complex tax law application to a wide variety of people. The tax auditor must be prepared for the business owners that may speak very little English to those that may attempt to shower them with gifts. These situations may be hard to deal with if one is unprepared. With the proper preparation the tax auditor can feel more comfortable when interaction with the wide variety of cultures they will interact with in the course of their careers.
Bayor, R.H., (2011).
Multicultural America: An encyclopedia of the newest Americans. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications
Kalita, S.M. (2004). Suburban Sahibs. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Kyllonen, P. C., & Gitomer, D. H. (2002). Individual Differences. In J. W. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education (2nd ed., Vol. 4, pp. 1112-1129). New York: Macmillan Reference USA. Retrieved from
Pavri, T. (2014). Asian Indian Americans. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America (3rd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 165-178). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from
Schaefer, R. T. (2012). Racial and ethnic groups (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson
U.S. Census Bureau. (2012). The Asian population: 2010. (C2010BR-11). Retrieved from