Group Assignment Car Rental System
Anahid Ehtemami TP022064
Law Kuo Jian TP018939
Dushan Rajapaksha TP017256
Mohammed Abdulwahab
Deadline: 25.10.2010
Contents Acknowledgement 3 Introduction 4 Feasibility 5 Schedule feasibility 5 Gantt chart 6 Workload matrix 6 Requirement Analysis 7 Fact finding 8 Questionnaire 8 Interviews 8 Questionnaire Feedback Analysis 9 Interview Results 11 Logical Design 12 Data Modeling 12 Identify input/output and processes 13 Flowcharts 14 Context Diagram 18 Data flow diagram level 0 19 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 20 Physical Design 27 Suggested improvements 40 Conclusion 41 References 42 Materials 42 Pictures 42
In this moment we would like to thank Mrs. Hemalatha A/P Ramalingam as our lecturer, for all her time, guidance and invaluable advice. Her patience, understanding and insight were a great source of inspiration to us. Her interactive, interesting and novel methods of teaching were helpful and encouraged us to think differently and creatively. We would also like to thank our parents for their guidance, motivation and assistance given throughout this assignment.
We also like to thank the management of Hawk car rental (Pvt) Ltd and Mr. Shin Lim, sales manager of Hawk car Rental Company for providing us with the necessary details and for the guidance they gave to create the new computerized system. We want to thank them for providing us with information that gave us valuable insight into the function of the organization, which enabled us to accomplish this task to our satisfaction.
We would also like to thank our university, UCTI for providing us with the necessary laboratory and library facilities for all our references which helped us to achieve our goal.
Our greatest appreciation also goes out to our batch mates and our senior students for giving us their