Topic: Asperger’s Syndrome
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about a mild variant of Autism called Asperger’s Syndrome.
Thesis: Asperger’s Syndrome is a fairly common, but it is still widely misunderstood because of its unique characteristics and connotations.
I. Introduction A Attention Getter: “In the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory, the character Shelton is clearly suffering from Asperger’s Syndrome,” says writer Paul Collins. But why doesn’t the show just come out and say that he has this disorder? Because it is relatively new, controversial and hard to diagnose. B. Reason to Listen: One in three hundred children are born with some kind of Autistic …show more content…
Spectrum Disorder. The most common and misunderstood disorder in this spectrum is Asperger’s Syndrome. This disease comes in a wide variety of symptoms and severities therefore, it is hard to diagnose and pinpoint in a person. According to Dr. H R Khouzam many individuals are in denial and embarrassed about this syndrome (p. 2). C. Thesis: Asperger’s Syndrome is a fairly common, but it is still widely misunderstood because of its unique characteristics and connotations. D. Credibility Statement: 1. I have always been very fascinated and interested in my cousin’s child Kegan who has this disorder. 2. I also have done extensive research on everything to do with this syndrome and how it really works. E. Preview of Main Points: 1. First, I would like to explain what Asperger’s really is and what causes the disease. 2. Next, I will talk about the signs and symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome. 3. Then, I will discuss the treatments available today for this disease. 4. Last, I will discuss my personal testimony concerning my little cousin who is suffering from this disorder.
II. Asperger’s Syndrome can be better understood when all have a full grasp of what the disease entails. A. Asperger’s syndrome is an autism related disorder which includes significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests with an unknown cause. 1. It was discovered by Hans Asperger just sixty years ago. 2. Although his medical findings were precise, Asperger’s disorder could not be offically diagnosed until 1994. a. Three percent of the population has some form of this disorder. b. Ninety percent of this population is male.
Today, the exact cause of Asperger’s Syndrome is still unknown but many doctors and specialists have their theories. a. According to Dr. H R Khouzam the diesease, “ has strong genetic roots” (p. 4). b. Because Asperger’s is a variant of Autism, it would make sense that it is caused hereditarily. c. Although these diseases are similar, there is still no direct link between genes and Aspergers like Autism has. 4.According to Dr. LH Willey, a doctor and suffering patient, Asperger’s is associated with mental disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder (p. 20). 5.Although some of these theories have been proved in certain cases, no one can be sure what the true cause is.
Transition: Unlike the cause of this disease, the symptoms and signs are a little more concrete. B. Asperger’s syndrome has many symptoms. 1. According to Dr. T Attwood, the most common symptoms are repetitive speech, unusual gaze and facial gestures, dramatic and emotiooooooonal, inability to communicate normally with others, obsession with a particular topic, and difficulty with reading and writing (p. …show more content…
24). a. Other symptoms include inability to comprehend sarcasm, inability to pick up on social cues, repetitive movement, ritualistic, clumsy, poor handwriting, and uncomfortable when in physical contact with others. 2. Although all these symptoms are true of Asperger’s, but every case is different. a.
A patient can have anywhere from one to all of these symptoms and be classified A.S. b. Asperger’s suffers are all unique.
Transition: Now that I have discussed the disease and its symptoms, I will explain the treatment options of this disease. C. Unfortunately, there is no cure yet for Asperger’s Syndrome, but there are many treatment options. 1. One treatment option is social and speech coaching. a. This type of treatment enables patients to lean how to interact normally with others by working on eye contact and how to hold and conduct conversations. b. It also helps regulate the patients speech pattern to sound more normal and their age. 2. Another treatment option is individual or group therapy. a. Therapy is very important if the patient has the obsession symptom. Therapy work will enable them to separate themselves from the obsession. b. According to Dr. LH Willey depression often becomes a problem for Aperger’s patients in adolescence, when they may feel socially excluded and disdained by members of the opposite sex without quite under- standing why. Therapy will help and identify this. 3. Regardless of the severity of the disorder, these therapies have been proven to help
tremendously. a. The treatments and therapy really help those suffering live a happier and more normal lifestyle.
Transition: Now that I have told you about the treatment options for Asperger’s Disorder, I will share my personal relation to the syndrome. D. My cousin’s little boy, was born with Asperger’s Syndrome. 1. He was not diagnosed with the disease until he was eight years old but the symptoms have always been clear. 2. When he was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome it was like a relief. a. My family now knew what was wrong with him and could now help him succeed. b. My cousin immediately sought out help and therapist to aid her child. 3. Because of all the treatments and therapy he has been through, he is doing extremely well. a. He is in the top five percent of his class. b. He is also on the school soccer team. 4. Although some of his symptoms are still apparent, like his inability to maintain eye contact for long periods of time, he is improving everyday.
III. Conclusion A. Review of Main Points: 1. Today I first explain Asperger’s Syndrome and it’s causes. 2. Second, I explained the symptoms and signs of the disease. 3. Third, I described the treatment options available to those with Asperger’s. 4. Finally, I discussed my personal experience with the disorder through my cousin’s child. B. Restate Thesis: Asperger’s Syndrome is a fairly common, but it is still widely misunderstood because of its unique characteristics and connotations. C. Closure: Asperger’s Syndrome is a disease with many different symptoms and effects, but with all the treatments available a happy and successful life is closer than most think imaginable.
Work Cited
Attwood, T. Asperger 's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals. 1st. England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998. 23-24. Print.
Collins, Paul. "Is the world ready for an Asperger 's sitcom?." Slate 06 April 2006: 1-2. Web. 21 Mar 2011. .
Khouzam, HR. "Asperger 's Disorder: A Review of Its Diagnosis and Treatment." Comprehensive Psychiatry. May-June 2004: 2-4. Print.
Willey, LH. Prentending to Be Normal: My Life with Asperger 's Syndrome. 1st. England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1999. 20. Print.