Isolation of Aspergillus niger from garden soil for the production of amylase enzyme and effect of various parameters on enzyme, production is the main aim of this study. Enzymes are protein catalysts synthesized by living systems and are important in synthetic as well as degradative process. Amylases are starch degradative enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of internal a-1, 4-0-glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides such as starch in to simple sugar (glucose and maltose). It is produced by a variety of living organisms ranging from bacteria, fungi to plants and humans.
Enzymes are catalysts of biological processes. They are synthesized in cells by the normal machinery of protein synthesis. The structure of any enzyme is encoded by a structural gene, whole DNA base sequence is transcribed into a messenger RNA, and the mRNA are translated from its triplet into the amino acid sequence of the desired protein of the ribozyme and associated factors (Brook, et al 1969). The enzymes than folds spontaneously into its active conformation. Post translation modifications may be required to target an enzyme to its ultimate intracellular or extracellular location. Enzymes (including amylase) are the primary metabolites of the microorganisms. Microbial production of primary metabolites contributes significantly to the quality of life. Through fermentation, microorganisms growing on inexpensive carbon sources can produces valuable products such as enzymes, amino acids, nucleotides, organic acids and vitamins which can be added to fod to enhance its flavor or nutritive value.
Amylases from plant and microbial sources have been employed from centuries as food additives. Barley amylases have been used in brewing industry. Fungal amylases have been widely used for the preparation of oriental foods. In spite of wide distribution of amylases, microbial sources, namely fungal and bacterial amylases, are used for the industrial production due to advantages such as raw starch degrading amylases suitable for industrial applications and their cost effective, consistency, less time and space required for production and ease of process modification and optimization(Abe, et al 1998). Due to the increasing demand for these enzymes in various industries, there is enormous interest in developing enzymes with better properties such as raw starch degradating amylases suitable for industrial applications and their cost effective production techniques.
Now a day the new potential of using microorganism as biotechnological sources of industrially relevant enzymes has stimulated renewed interest in the exploration of extra cellular enzymatic activity in several microorganisms. Although many microorganisms produce this enzyme, the ones most commonly used for their industrial production are Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquificans and Aspergillus niger. Among mold species producing high level of amylase, Aspergillus niger is used for the commercial production of alpha amylase. This enzyme is an extra cellular enzyme and therefore can be easily separated from the cell mass.
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Fermentation can be defined as aerobic or an aerobic oxidation of substrate to form the product of high value n using microorganisms. To meet the demand of industries, low cost medium is required for the production of αcroorganisms. low-cost amylase. Both SSF and submerged fermentation (SmF) could be used for the production of amylase, although traditionally these have been obtained from submerged cultures because of handling and greater control of submerged environmental factors such as temperature and pH (figure: 1)
For amylase production, liquid medium was used by shake flask method carried out at laboratory scale. Shake flask method is best suited at laboratory scale as maximum product formation can be obtained at low cost and a large number of experimental values can be evaluated in minimum time, with low risk of contamination and lesser chances of media and material wastage. Also, optimum condition for maximum enzyme production can n be set for production at industrial scale scale.
Figure: 1 Diagrammatic representation of fermentation process.
Protein estimation in any sample can be carried out by following methods: (1) (2) Biuret Method Folin Lowry’s Method
Most protein estimation techniques use Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) universally as a standard protein, because of its low cost, high purity and ready availability. Folin Lowry’s method is sensitive down to about 10 g/mL and is probably the most widely used protein assay. The reaction is also dependent on pH and a working g/mL range of pH 9 to 10.5 is essential. Purification process in downstream processing after fermentation strongly depend on the market, processing cost, final quality, and available technology. Most enzymes are purified by chromatographic techniques after crude isolation by precipitation with ammoniumsulphate and membrane separations (Mandels ammoniumsulphate M et al, 1976).
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REVIEW OF LITERATURE Aspergillus niger:
Figure 2(a): Growth of Aspergillus niger Super kingdom: Kingdom: Super kingdom: Phylum: Subphylum: Class: Subclass: Order: Family: Genus: Species: Eukaryota Fungi Dikarya Ascomycota Pezizomycotina Eurotiomycetes Eurotiomycetidae Eurotiales Trichocomaceae Aspergillus A. niger
Figure 2(b): Microscopic view of A.niger
Aspergillus niger is a filamentous fungus that has many applications in biotechnology (M et al, 1987). This May eukaryotic organism belongs to the fungi kingdom and the Aspergillus genus. The use of microorganisms in . biotechnology is common, however A.niger is considered to be one of the most essential of those microorganisms (Mohr et al, 1989).A. A.niger has a cell wall that is made up of chitin, 1,3- glucan,1,6-glucan,1,3Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011 (2011-‘12)’ Page 3
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glucan, galactosaminogalactan and galactomannan and the fungal cell wall determines the morphological features of the microbe.( Bilinski CA et al ,1995) 1) Aspergillus niger is a fungus, which is specified as a mold (Sonjoy S et al, 1995).It is an
ascomycetous fungus that produces microscopic spores inside sacs or elongated cells called ascus. A.niger is known to reproduce through asexual spores only, no sexual reproduction. As this microbe is an important host for production of various proteins and metabolites; it would be beneficial for strain improvement if there was an available sexual reproduction cycle. A.niger grows aerobically on organic matter, therefore it can be found almost everywhere in environments that contains soil. Also, it is found in waste, decaying plant material and compost in outdoor environments. Moist indoor environments create a good habitat for the growth of mold. The metabolism of A.niger consists of a “reaction network that comprises central carbon metabolism, catabolic pathway for 115 different carbon sources and 23 different nitrogen sources and anabolic pathway for the components of the biomass(Alva S et al, 2007).The genome sequencing of Aspergillus niger can be performed with many advanced biological analysis techniques. Continued research in this microbe could lead to greater possibilities for the use of A.niger, as there are 7,500 genes that are not yet known (Nigam. P. et al, 1995). In the field of biotechnology, A.niger is a valuable asset to Microbiology as it is an important microorganism because it has a ability to produce a variety of useful substances. It is therefore cultured for industrial production, often commercially for uses in making proteins, in the food industries and in pharmaceuticals.
Aspergillus niger is one of the most important used microorganisms used in biotechnology. It has been in use already for many decades to produce extracellular (food) enzymes and citric acid. A.niger is usually fermented for the production of such various enzymes. A.niger can produce alpha-galactosidase, which is an enzyme that is capable of breaking down certain nondigestable oligosaccharides in the digestive tract.
Description and Significance
Aspergillus niger is a haploid filamentous fungi and is a very essential microorganism in the field of biology. In addition to producing extracellular enzymes and citric acid, A. niger is used for waste management and biotransformation. The fungi is most commonly found in mesophilic environments such as decaying vegetation or soil and plants (Schuster et al, 2002). Genome sequencing of A. niger is important because of its involvement in producing citric acid as well as industrial enzymes, such as amylases, proteases, and lipases. The uses of these enzymes are essential because of its importance for transformation to food enzymes. Other properties of this species include pathogens that cause the spoilage of food and production of secondary metabolites, such as aflatoxin, that are toxic. Metabolite production, involvement in food spoilage, and simply being a pathogen creates a great economic impact on the U.S. (roughly $45 billion on the U.S. economy alone). Understanding this economic importance as well as the effects it makes on the environment makes the genome sequencing of A. niger essential to biological applications (Adams et al, 1997, Takahashi et al, 1991). A. niger was isolated from the plant Welwitschia mirabilis in Namibia and Angola, a plant estimated to be about 3000 years old. A. niger is easily isolated from common thing such as dust, paint, and soil. Commonly in labs, A. niger is isolated via chemostat cultures which can test positively or negatively for the fungi (Pekarek et al 2006, Van de Vondervoort et al, 2004).
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Genome Structure
A. niger have a total genome size that ranges from 35.5 to 38.5 Mb and is composed of about 13,000 genes. Of these genes, about 8000 to 8500 genes have functional assignments. In addition, about 14,000 open reading frames (ORF) were identified in the genome which could potentially encode a protein. The DNA sequence of A. niger consists of approximately 33.9 million base pairs. The possible function of 6500 genes could be established which is only about 45% of its total gene count.( Debets et al, 1990) Electrophoretic karyotyping of A. niger allows the visualization of chromosomes separated into four separate bands. The chromosomal bands range from 3.5 to 6.6 Mb. The karyotype sequence that was obtained could be arranged into 19 separate supercontigs that correspond to eight linear chromosomes ( Debets et al, 1990).Treating A. niger with recombinant DNA allows spheroplasts to take up some recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA has the properties of being both linear and circular and is also used as a selectable marker (since A. niger does not have a programmed selectable marker) which has an antibiotic resistance to transformants. The selectable marker is known as the ornithine carbamoyl transferase gene (Arg B. sup +) and encodes a product that can be assayed. (Mohr et al, 1989)The recombinant DNA contains a replicon which allows for replication in a bacterial host. The recombinant DNA consists of a plasmid vectors pDG1 (ATCC 53005) and pDG3 (ATCC 53006). Transformation of these vectors includes removing the cell wall enzymatically, adding exogenous DNA to the spheroplasts, and incubating so the spheroplasts take up the DNA. Once this process is complete, isolation of the A. niger transformant is possible.( Mohr et al, 1989) The study of transformation in A. niger is one that requires DNA from the filamentous fungi which contains the plasmid vector p3SR2. Studies show that every experiment involving p3SR2 involves fragments of vector sequences as well as fragments of the recombinant vector. In the T31-6 transformant of A. niger, six different plasmid-probed bands were analyzed and recloned in E. coli. This technique showed that recombination resulted in many different cases of insertions and deletions. The single plasmid, in a pool of 402 different plasmids, that was identified and isolated was one that included the DNA of A. niger. Therefore, results show that the integration of p3SR2 in the genome happens solely at a single site. (Mohr et al, 1989)
Cell Structure and Metabolism
1 Properties A. niger produce colonies that are composed of white or yellow felt that is covered by dark asexually produced fungal spores. Mycelial, or threadlike, hyphae are divided by a septum and transparent. Conidiophores (asexually produced fungal spores) of A. niger usually range from 900-1600 µm in length and contain globose (globular) vesicles ranging from 40-60 µm in diameter. Each globose vesicle is completely covered with biseriate phialides which are projections from the conidiophore of A. niger. These phialides come out from brown metulae, which is the site where a conidiogenous cell is created. The phialides go through a process of blastic basipetal conidiogenesis to create globose mitospores, which have a diameter that ranges from 3 to 5 µm. (Debets et al, 1990)
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2 Metabolism and Energy A. niger has a metabolic system which is composed of the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and peroxisome. Incorporated in this system are carbohydrate metabolism and amino acid metabolism which take place in both anabolic and catabolic reactions. For the most favorable growth rate, linear programming was used. Linear programming was combined with 37 other metabolites in order to test for different flux distributions in those metabolites. By using the technique of logarithmic sensitivity analysis, it is shown that the amino acids proline, alanine and glutamine prospered in this environment. The amino acid tyrosine had no effect; however it has the possibility of helping with biomass manufacture. In addition to this, four other amino acids caused a 44% increase in biomass manufacture and a 41% increase in recombinant protein production. (Gheshlaghi et al, 2007)One of the most common ways that A. niger gains energy is through bioleaching. Bioleaching is the process of extracting metals from ores via the use of bacteria. A. niger gains its energy by breaking down the minerals into its most basic element. This fungi specifically is able to break down copper, tin, aluminum, nickel, and lead, and with this energy is able to produce oxalic acid, gluconic acid, and citric acid. (Santhiya et al, 2009) 3 Molecular Production Different reactions and pathways are used whenever A. niger consumes a substrate or forms a metabolic product. Chitin, for example, makes up the cell wall of A. niger, however the only enzymatic steps that are used to create chitin are those catalyzed by glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase as well as chitin synthase. (David et al, 2003) One of the most important products that A. niger produces is citric acid. Under conditions of citric acid accumulation, the metabolism of A. niger is slightly altered. In normal conditions metabolism of the fungi progresses at a linear rate. In this linearly progressive state, production of citric acid is high, however there is still an opportunity for changes which can lead to a fivefold increase in basal rate synthesis. Again, this value can be further increased with a doubling in enzyme concentration. Doubling the concentration allows at least a 12 fold increase in citric acid production and a maximum of a 50 fold increase when enzyme concentration is 10 times its normal value. Under optimal conditions, at least 13 enzymes need to be altered in order to obtain a maximum in citric acid production.(Alvarez-Vasquez et al, 2000)
Ecology and Pathology
A. niger is usually found in common mesophilic environments such as soil, plants, and enclosed air environments. A. niger is not only a xerophilic fungi (mold that doesn’t require free water for growth, can grow in humid environments), but is also a thermotolerant organism (capable of growing at high temperatures). Because of this property, the filamentous fungi exhibits a high tolerance to freezing temperatures. (Schuster et al, 2002) A. niger is relatively harmless compared to other filamentous fungi. Despite this fact, there have been some medical cases that have been accounted for, such as lung infections or ear infections in patients that have an weakened immune system, or an immune system that has been impaired by a disease or medical treatment. In the case of ear infections, A. niger invades the outer ear canal which can cause damage to the skin it came in contact with. (Schuster et al, 2002, Adams et al, 1997) This species of filamentous fungi produces several secondary metabolites, one of the most important being ochratoxin A. Ochratoxin A is an abundant food-contaminating mycotoxin. Human contact with this toxin usually occurs through consumption of food which has not been stored and taken care of appropriately.
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Nevertheless, studies have shown that less that 10% of the A. niger strains were tested positive for ochratoxin A under conditions that were favorable. (Schuster et al, 2002)The productioin of ochratoxin A from A. niger, is liable to cause immunotoxcitiy in animals. The effects on animals include a decrease in antibody responses, a size reduction in immune organs, and an alteration in the production of cytokine which are proteins and peptides specifically used in signaling. Food that has been contaminated by A. niger’s toxic metabolite has had a major affect on the poultry industry. Different animals, such as chicken, turkey, and ducks, are very prone to ochratoxin. (Schuster et al, 2002, Adams et al,1997)
Application to Biotechnology
A. niger has been a very important microbe used in the field of biotechnology. Many of the enzymes produced by A. niger, such as citric acid, amylases, lipases, cellulases, xylanases and proteases, are considered GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the United States Food and Drug Administration and is excused from the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act food additive tolerance requirements. Even though it is considered GRAS, A. niger still must be treated safely and with care. (Schuster et al, 2002, Van de Vondervoort et al, 2004) A. niger has also been used for waste treatment and chemical modifications known as biotransformations. In the past 20 years, A. niger has been used as a host for transformation to food enzymes. However, it is still important to treat this fungi very carefully to avoid formation of spore dust which can cause illness (see pathology). However, checking for ochratoxin A, a mycotoxin, can reduce any risks and will yield A. niger as a safe organism.( Schuster et al, 2002, Van de Vondervoort et al,2004)
Current Reaserch
1 Substrate Specficity Phytases have the property of catalyzing phosphate hydrolysis from phytate. Phytate is used for absorption by animals. In normal circumstances, A. niger PhyB has an optimal catalytic activity at an average pH of 2.5. This poses a problem since the pH of animal’s stomachs range from 3.0 to 3.5. In order to shift the pH optimum of A. niger PhyB, modification of the substrate specificity site must be performed. Mutants (E272K, E272Q) were used which affects the substrate specificity site, and results showed that mutant E272K shifted the pH optimum from 2.5 to 3.2. From this, it is possible to change the pH optimum to mirror that of the stomach which will result in a greater substrate attraction. (Weaver et al, 2007) 2 Protease Production One of the top waste materials of fish processing industries is fish scale. A. niger plays an important role because fish scale is processed by protease from mutant Aspergillus niger AB100. With fish scale present, protease production from A. niger AB100 was improved a great deal. Testing of the AB100 in different environments was necessary to see what environment would be optimal for protease production. Results show that AB100 in contact with soy bean meal produces the greatest protease production. Conditions at which production was maximal included a pH at 7 with a temperature of 50°C. Activity in pH 5 to pH 9 resulted in 60% protease production, and at a temperature of 30°C, protease production was stable as opposed to active. (Basu,,2003) 3 Topographical sensing Thigmotropism is topographical sensing and this is an important factor of growth in A. niger. Thigmotropism is essential to help provide growth for the hyphal tip. Past studies have shown that strain, caused by nutrient shortage, causes a structural transformation in the hyphal tip that stimulates a topographical sensing response in A. niger. Since A. niger doesn’t usually exhibit thigmotropism under a typical environment, experiments
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were conducted in order to find variables which induce thigmotropism. Results show that topographical sensing is directly related to how much nutrients are available. In addition, the study also shows that thigmotropism is caused by a stress reaction in the fungal hyphae where the tip flattens. (Bowen et al, 2007)
Introduction - Enzyme Characteristics
A living system controls its activity through enzymes. An enzyme is a protein molecule that is a biological catalyst with three characteristics. First, the basic function of an enzyme is to increase the rate of a reaction. Most cellular reactions occur about a million times faster than they would in the absence of an enzyme. Second, most enzymes act specifically with only one reactant (called a substrate) to produce products. The third and most remarkable characteristic is that enzymes are regulated from a state of low activity to high activity and vice versa. Gradually, you will appreciate that the individuality of a living cell is due in large part to the unique set of some 3,000 enzymes that it is genetically programmed to produce. If even one enzyme is missing or defective, the results can be disastrous. Much of the information about enzymes has been made possible because they can be isolated from cells and made to work in a test tube environment. Extensive work has also been done with X-Ray diffraction techniques to elucidate the three-dimensional structure of some enzymes. The ribbon and backbone form of carboxypeptidase is shown at the bottom. The substrate is shown in magenta. Function of Carboxypeptide: Hydrolyze a peptide (magenta) at the carboxyl or C terminal end of the chain.
Figure: 3 Structure of Carboxypeptide
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Enzyme Parts List
The activity of an enzyme depends, at the minimum, on a specific protein chain. In many cases, the enzyme consists of the protein and a combination of one or more parts called cofactors. This enzyme complex is usually simply referred to simply as the enzyme. Apoenzyme: The polypeptide or protein part of the enzyme is called the apoenzyme and may be inactive in its original synthesized structure. The inactive form of the apoenzyme is known as a proenzyme or zymogen. The proenzyme may contain several extra amino acids in the protein which are removed, and allows the final specific tertiary structure to be formed before it is activated as an apoenzyme. Cofactors: A cofactor is a non-protein substance which may be organic, and called a coenzyme. The coenzyme is often derived from a vitamin with specific examples discussed later. Another type of cofactor is an inorganic metal ion called a metal ion activator. The inorganic metal ions may be bonded through coordinate covalent bonds. The major reason for the nutritional requirement for minerals is to supply such metal ions as Zn+2, Mg+2, Mn+2, Fe+2, Cu+2, K+1, and Na+1 for use in enzymes as cofactors. Final Enzyme: The type of association between the cofactor and the apoenzymes varies. In some cases, the bonds are rather loose and both come together only during the course of a reaction. In other cases, they are firmly bound together by covalent bonds. The activating role of a cofactor is to either: activate the protein by changing its geometric shape, or by actually participating in the overall reaction. The overall enzyme contains a specific geometric shape called the active site where the reaction takes place. The molecule acted upon is called the substrate.
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Figure: 4 Parts of Carboxypeptidase
Enzyme Nomenclature and Classification
Enzymes are commonly named by adding a suffix "-ase" to the root name of the substrate molecule it is acting upon. For example, Lipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of a lipid triglyceride. Sucrase catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose into glucose and fructose. A few enzymes discovered before this naming system was devised are known by common names. Examples are pepsin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin which catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins. The latest systematic nomenclature system known as the International Enzyme Commission (IEC) system is based upon the type of reaction catalyzed. There are six broad groups of enzymes in this system as shown in table at the left. For example, when using this system, "urease" becomes "urea amidohydrolase." Do not be overly concerned about enzyme names, but be able to recognize a substance as an enzyme by its "-ase" ending. Some types of reactions which are being catalyzed will be self evident.
Table:1 IEA Classification of Enzyme
IEC Classification of Enzymes
Group Name Type of Reaction Catalyzed
Oxidases or Dehydrogenases Transferases
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Oxidation-reduction reactions Transfer of functional groups
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Hydrolases Lyases Isomerases Ligases or Synthetases
Hydrolysis reactions Addition to double bonds or its reverse Isomerization reactions Formation of bonds with ATP cleavage
Amylase is an enzyme that catalyses the breakdown of starch into sugars. Amylase is present in human saliva, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. Food that contains much starch but little sugar, such as rice and potato, taste slightly sweet as they are chewed because amylase turns some of their starch into sugar in the mouth. The pancreas also makes amylase (alpha amylase) to hydrolyse dietary starch into disaccharides and trisaccharides which are converted by other enzymes to glucose to supply the body with energy. Plants and some bacteria also produce amylase. As diastase, amylase was the first enzyme to be discovered and isolated (by Anselme Payen in 1833). Specific amylase proteins are designated by different Greek letters. All amylases are glycoside hydrolases and act on α-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Althogh enzymes are widespread in nature, microbes serve as a preferred source of these enzymes because of their rapid growth, the limited space required for their cultivation and the ease with which they can be genetically manipulated to generate new enzymes with altered properties that are desire d for their various applications.
Amylases are one of the most important industrial enzymes that have a wide variety of applications ranging from conversation of starch to sugar syrups, to the production of cyclodextrins for their pharmaceutical industry. These enzymes accounts for about 30% of the world’s enzyme production.( Kathiresan K et al, 2006) The amylase family can roughly be divided into two groups: The starch hydrolyzing enzymes and the starch modifying, or trans glycosylating enzymes. The enzymatic hydrolysis in starch processing industry due to a
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number of advantages such as specificity of the reaction, stability of the generated products, lower energy requirements and elimination of neutralization steps( Santhiya et al, 2006). Amylases are an extra cellular enzyme and are classified based on how they break down starch molecules.
Types of Amylase α-amylase The α-amylases (alternative names: 1,4-α-D-glucan glucanohydrolase; glycogenase) are calcium metalloenzymes completely unable to function in the absence of calcium. By acting at random locations along the starch chain, α-amylase breaks down long-chain carbohydrates, ultimately yielding maltotriose and maltose from amylose, or maltose, glucose and "limit dextrin" from amylopectin. Because it can act anywhere on the substrate, α-amylase tends to be faster-acting than β-amylase. In animals, it is a major digestive enzyme, and its optimum pH is 6.7-7.0 (Abu EA et al, 2005) In human physiology, both the salivary and pancreatic amylases are α-amylases. They are discussed in much more detail at alpha-Amylase. This form is also found in plants, fungi (ascomycetes and basidiomycetes) and bacteria (Bacillus). It reduces the viscosity of starch by breaking down the bonds at random, therefore producing varied sized chains of glucose.
-amylase Another form of amylase, β-amylase (alternative names: 1,4-α-D-glucan maltohydrolase; glycogenase; saccharogen amylase) is also synthesized by bacteria, fungi, and plants. Working from the non-reducing end, βamylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of the second α-1,4 glycosidic bond, cleaving off two glucose units (maltose) at a time. During the ripening of fruit, β-amylase breaks starch into maltose, resulting in the sweet flavor of ripe fruit. Both α-amylase and β-amylase are present in seeds; β-amylase is present in an inactive form prior to germination, whereas α-amylase and proteases appear once germination has begun. Cereal grain amylase is key to the production of malt. Many microbes also produce amylase to degrade extracellular starches. Animal tissues do not contain β-amylase, although it may be present in microorganisms contained within the digestive tract. The optimum pH for β-amylase is 4.0-5.0 (Agger T et al, 1960). It Breaks the glucose-glucose bonds down by removing two glucose units at a time, thereby producing maltose Amyloglucosidase (AMG) γ-Amylase (alternative names: Glucan 1,4-α-glucosidase; amyloglucosidase; Exo-1,4-α-glucosidase; glucoamylase; lysosomal α-glucosidase; 1,4-α-D-glucan glucohydrolase)will cleave α(1-6) glycosidic linkages, as well as the last α(1-4)glycosidic linkages at the nonreducing end of amylose and amylopectin, yielding glucose. Unlike the other forms of amylase, γ-amylase is most efficient in acidic environments and has an optimum pH of 3. It Breaks successive bonds from the non-reducing end of the straight chain, producing glucose. Many microbial amylases usually contains mixture of these enzymes. To prepare these extra cellular enzymes on a commercial scale, many attempts have been made to specify cultural conditions and to select superior strains of the fungus (Fiedurek J et al, 1991). Few attempts have been made to elucidate the control mechanism involved in the formation and secretion of the extra cellular enzymes. Amylase production have been reported from several fungi, yeasts, bacteria and actinomycetes though fungal and bacterial sources are predominant with potential industrial applications (Akpan I et al, 1999). Among fungi the Aspergillus are the important produces of enzymes.( Mukerjee SK et al, 1993)
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Amylases are the enzymes first to be commercially produced and marketed. Dr. J. Takamine established the first industrial production of a-amylase from A.oryzae which was used as a digestive aid. The global market for enzymes was about $2 billian in 2004. It is expected to have an average annual growth rate of 3.3%. The share of carbohydrases comprising amylases, isomerases, pectinases and cellulases in about 40% (Canel et al,1980).The food and beverage sectors utilize 90% of the carbohydrases produced. The annual sale of aamylases in global market is established to be $11 million (Akpan I et al, 1999). The world production of aamylases from bacillus licheniformis and Aspergillus sp. Was about 300 tonnes of pure enzymes protein per year. (Bernfeld et al, 1951)
Amylases find use in breadmaking and to break down complex sugars, such as starch (found in flour), into simple sugars. Yeast then feeds on these simple sugars and converts it into the waste products of alcohol and CO2. This imparts flavour and causes the bread to rise. While amylases are found naturally in yeast cells, it takes time for the yeast to produce enough of these enzymes to break down significant quantities of starch in the bread. This is the reason for long fermented doughs such as sour dough. Modern breadmaking techniques have included amylases (often in the form of malted barley) intobread improver, thereby making the process faster and more practical for commercial use. Alpha and beta amylases are important in brewing beer and liquor made from sugars derived from starch. In fermentation, yeast ingest sugars and excrete alcohol. In beer and some liquors, the sugars present at the beginning of fermentation have been produced by "mashing" grains or other starch sources (such as potatoes). In traditional beer brewing, malted barley is mixed with hot water to create a "mash," which is held at a given temperature to allow the amylases in the malted grain to convert the barley 's starch into sugars. Different temperatures optimize the activity of alpha or beta amylase, resulting in different mixtures of fermentable and unfermentable sugars. In selecting mash temperature and grain-to-water ratio, a brewer can change the alcohol content, mouthfeel, aroma, and flavor of the finished beer.In some historic methods of producing alcoholic beverages, the conversion of starch to sugar starts with the brewer chewing grain to mix it with saliva. This practice is no longer in general use. When used as a food additive, amylase has E number E1100, and may be derived from swine pancreas or mould mushroom.. Bacillary amylase is also used in clothing and dishwasher detergents to dissolve starches from fabrics and dishes. Factory workers who work with amylase for any of the above uses are at increased risk of occupational asthma. Five to 9% of bakers have a positive skin test, and a fourth to a third of bakers with breathing problems are hypersensitive to amylase. An inhibitor of -amylase, called phaseolamin, has been tested as a potential diet aid. Blood serum amylase may be measured for purposes of medical diagnosis. A normal concentration is in the range 21-101 U/L. A higher than normal concentration may reflect one of several medical conditions, including acute inflammation of the pancreas (concurrently with the more specific lipase). (Alva S et al, 2007) but also perforated peptic ulcer, torsion of an ovarian cyst, strangulation ileus, macroamylasemia and mumps. Amylase may be measured in other body fluids, including urine and peritoneal fluid. In molecular biology, the presence of amylase can serve as an additional method of selecting for successful integration of a reporter construct in addition to antibiotic resistance. As reporter genes are flanked by homologous regions of the structural gene for amylase, successful integration will disrupt the amylase gene and prevent starch degradation, which is easily detectable through iodine staining. Humans exploit microbial amylases for the following purposes:
1. High Fructose Corn syrup preparation
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2. Additives to detergents for removing stains 3. Saccharification of starch for alcohol production 4. Brewing
What organisms are responsible for amylase production?
Although many microorganisms produce this enzyme, the ones most commonly used for their enzyme, industrial production are Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquifaciens and Aspergillus niger.
SAMPLE: Soil samples were collected from the garden of government Science College, K.K
Shastri campus, Khokhra, Maninager (E), Ahmedabad Culture of Aspergillus previously isolated Ahmedabad. from soil and identified by using standard method; lactophenol cotton blue staining method under microscope. [A] MEDIA AND REAGENTS: Enzyme production:(1) Starch agar medium Soluble starch Beef extract (gm/100mL):: : 1.2 0.3
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Agar Distilled water pH
: : :
3.0 100ml 7.5
Figure: 5(a) Media used for enzyme production
Dissolve by heat beef extract and agar in 50ml of distilled water. Dissolve separately soluble starch in about 25ml of warm distilled water. Mix the above solution and adjust the final volume to 100ml. Autoclave for 15 minutes at 15 lbs pressure and at 121OC. Medium is used for detection of amylase production (starch hydrolysis) by organism from soil sample sample. (2) Fermentation medium KH2PO4 NH4NO3 KCL MgSO4.7H2O FeSO4.7H2O Soluble Starch pH : : : : : : : (gm/liter) 1.4 10 0.5 0.1 0.01 20 6.5 Figure: 5(b) fermentation media preparation
Distribute in 100ml of medium in to 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks and sterilize by autoclaving at 121oC for 15 minutes. Allow to cool down to room temperature.
Enzyme purification (1) Phosphate buffer (50 mM, pH 7.2) (2) Ammonium sulphate (95% Standard) Enzyme assay (1) Starch hydrolysis assay:Phosphate buffer (20 mM, pH 7.0) 0.01N HCl 0.1% Starch 0.01N I2 Solution Purified enzyme sample (2) Protein estimation:Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011 (2011-‘12)’ Page 15
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A. BSA stock solution (1mg/ml): Add 0.01g of BSA powder in 10mL distilled water. B. Analytical reagent (copper sulphate): (I) 50 ml of 2% sodium carbonate mixed with 50ml of 0.1N NaOH solution. (II)10ml of 1.56% copper sulphate solution mixed with 10ml of 2.37% sodium potassium tartarate solution. Prepare analytical reagent by mixin 2ml of (II) with 100ml of (I). mixing C. Folin ciocalreau reagent (1N): Dilute commercial reagent (2N) with an equal volume of distilled water on the day of use. [B] INSTRUMENTS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Autoclave (from Sedko Laboratory Equipments) pH meter (from Chemline, Model CL 110) Microwave Oven (IFB) Incubator (from EIE Instrument Pvt. Ltd.) Orbital Shaker (shanti control) Centrifuge (REMI 4C) Digital photo colorimeter
[C] Glasswares: Erlenmeyer flask (Ambrosil) Pipettes, Micropipettes, Tips Petridishes, Spreader, Test tube tubes Measuring cylinder, beakers Whatman filter paper-1 (Qualitative Disk Filters, Sonar Axiva) 1
(1) Isolation and identification:
Isolation of amylase producer from soil: The soil contains a rich deposit of both bacteria and fungi, which produce amylases. Starch hydrolysis fungi or bacteria could be isolated from the soil, foods or could be purchased. Soil samples were collected from the garden of government Science College K.K Shastri campus, College, Khokhra, Maninager (E), Ahmedabad. The soil samples were collected in a sterile container and brought to the laboratory for further processing (fig: 6). Soil samples were serially diluted up to 10-3 dilutions by the ). serial dilution method (Bowen et al, 2007) and spraded on starch agar ,
Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011 (2011-‘12)’ Page 16
Figure: 6 Isolation of Aspergillus niger This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to
plate in to which an antibiotic streptomycin is added after sterilization of medium to avoid bacterial contamination. The plates were incubated for 72h at room temperature.
Identification of Aspergillus niger strain producing amylase: iger
After incubation mix culture of amylase producer fungi were obtained which were identified using standard method of fungal identification; lactophenol cotton blue staining method under microscope. The highest enzyme producer was observed for screening the fungi ( served (Nandakumar MP et al, 1999).The identified fungal colony was The again incubated in starch agar medium for 72h to get pure culture of Aspergillus niger.
Fig: 7(a) Mix culture of amylase producer
Fig: 7(b) Microscopic view of A.niger
Fig: Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011 Production of7(C) Pure culture of A.niger (2011-‘12)’
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Fig: 7(D) Starch utilization by A.niger
Preservation of culture
The obtained pure culture of Aspergillus niger was preserved in starch agar slants covered with parafilm at lower temperature (figure: 8 8)
Fig:8 Preservation of culture
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(1) Fermentative Production: Inoculum preparation:Pour 10 ml of sterile distille water on the slant containing fungal spores. Scrape with a wireloop to loosen the spores. A standardized inoculum size of conidia (each ml of cells suspension contained 2.0X 106 cells) was transferred from a stock culture in 250ml flask containing 100ml of growth medium. (Tunga R et al, 2003 2003)
Fig:9 Fermentation media for amylase Production
Submerged fermentation:Submerged fermentation was carried out in the Erlenmeyer flask by taking 100ml of amylase production medium. (Bergmann FW et al 1988) al, Amylase Production Medium KH2PO4 NH4NO3 KCL MgSO4.7H2O FeSO4.7H2O Soluble Starch pH (gm/1L) 1.4 10 0.5 0.1 0.01 20 6.5 The flasks were incubated for 72 hrs at 28OC +/-20OC on a rotary shaker at 150 rpm ry
(2) Extraction and purification of enzyme: Extraction of enzyme:It is very easy to remove the fungal mycelium from the enzyme production medium. Pour the whole content of flask containing the growing fungus through a funnel fitted with Whattman number 1 fi filter paper. The filtrate contain the crude amylase.
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Purification (precipitation) of enzyme : :The enzyme was precipitated from a clear supernatent at 40C by adding solid ammonium sulphate to achieve 85% saturation. The ammonium sulphate was added slowly, keeping the solution in ice and the protein was allowed to precipitate by keeping it overnight at 40C. The protein was separated by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 30 minutes at 40C (figure: 8), dissolved in minimum volume of phosphate buffer (50mM, pH 7.2) and used immediately for activity determination ( (Tunga BS et al, 2003)
Figure:10 Pelletes obtained after centrifugation
(3) Enzyme assay: Enzyme activity was determined by DNS method described by using starch as the substrate (Ashraf H et al, ing 2002). The reaction mixture contained the following in a total volume of 8ml: 5ml of phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), . 2ml 0.1% starch solution, 1 ml of active enzyme in test flask and 1 ml of inactive enzyme in both the controls enzyme (starch control and enzyme control). Incubate all 3 flasks for 10mins at room temperature (25 (25-30c) in dark. After incubation period, inactive the enzyme activity by adding 2ml of 0.01N HCI. Add 4ml of 0.01N I2 in each
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flask and makeup the volume up to 100ml using distilled water. Take the absorbance at 580nm using digital photo colorimeter and phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) as blank (table 2).
The enzyme activity was expressed in number of units. 1 unit of enzyme was defined as the amount of enzyme (protein) in milligram required for hydrolysis of starch to produce a mili molar of reducing sugar (glucose) in one hour under assay conditions. The specific activity was defined as number of units per gram protein (Ueno S et al, 1987). Table 2: Enzyme assay: To check the enzyme activity as unit per liter Reagent Phosphate buffer 0.1% starch Active enzyme Inactive enzyme Starch Control 5.0 ml 1.0 ml Enzyme Control 5.0 ml 2.0 ml 1.0 ml Test flask 5.0 ml 2.0 ml 1.0 ml -
Incubate for 15 mins at room temperature 0.01N HCI 0.01N I2 solution 2.0 ml 4.0 ml 2.0 ml 4.0 ml 2.o ml 4.0 ml
Make up the volume up to 100ml O.D. at 580nm
(4) Protein estimation: Folin Lowry’s Method:The protein content of enzyme solution extracted was estimated by Folin Lowry’s method. In this method, different dilutions of BSA solution are prepared by mixing stock solution (1mg/ml) ranging from 0.05 to 1.0 mg/ml. The final volume in each test tube is 5.0 ml. From these different dilutions, pipette out 0.2ml protein
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solution to different test tubs and add 2.0ml of alkaline copper sulphate reagent to each. Mix well and incubate at room temperature for 10mins. Then add 0.2ml of Folin ciocalteau soluton to each tube and incubate for 30mins. Measure the OD at 600 nm (Swift RJ et al, 1998). Plot the graph of absorbance against protein concentration to get a standard calibration curve (graph: 1). Check the absorbance of unknown sample and determine the concentration using the standard curve (Table: 3).
Table3: Protein estimation by Folin Lowry’s method for different substrate concentration
Distilled Water (mL)
Aliquot Protein Solution (mL) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Concentration Alkaline (mg/mL) Copper Solution (mL) 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Folin Ciocalteau Reagent (mL) 0.2 0.2 Incubate 0.2 At room Temperature 0.2 For 10 Minutes. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Blank 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 S1=2ml S2=4ml
5 4.75 4.5 4 3 2 1 0 3 1
Allow it to react at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Parameter controlling amylase production
(1) Various carbon sources:Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011-‘12)’ Page 22
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Flasks containing production media was supplemented with different carbon sources, viz: glucose, sucrose, starch, fructose, sorbitol, xylose, galactose and dextrin. The influence of these carbon sources were tested at different concentrations (0.5 to 2.0%). Starch, Sucrose and galactose were good carbon sources for amylase production. Xylose, fructose and sorbitol could be considered as moderate source. Starch was recorded to be the best carbon source for production of α-amylase from cells of Aspergillus niger (Table: 4).
(2) Various nitrogen sources:The availability of the nitrogen source is the major controlling factor in the final biomass yield. Effect of different nitrogen sources on the production of α-amylase was studied, it was observed that casein and gelatin caused poor enzyme production. Peptone supported maximum production of enzyme whereas urea produced considerable amount of α-amylase from cells of Aspergillus niger. The optimum concentration of peptone was 0.03% (graph: 2).
(3) Incubation temperature:The influence of temperature on amylase production is related to the growth of the organism. Hence, the optimum temperature depends on whether the culture is mesophilic or thermophilic. Here we used the mesophilic strain of Aspergillus niger from soil and therefore assay of enzyme production was carried out at various temperature ranges 20OC to 50OC for 24 hrs. It was found that cells of Aspergillus niger showed considerable amount of growth at 20OC but there was less enzyme production. However, the optimum temperature for enzyme production was 30OC for cells of A.niger (graph: 3).
(4) Different pH values:pH is one of the important factors that determine the growth and morphology of microorganisms as they are sensitive to the concentration of hydrogen ions present in the medium. pH is known to affect the synthesis and secretion
(5) Incubation period:The α-amylase activity was determined after every 24 hours of incubation in order to determine the optimum incubation period for maximum production of extra cellular α-amylase. The enzyme production however, started after 24 hour of inoculation and showed maximum production on 5th day of incubation period for cells of Aspergillus niger (graph:5).
(6) Use of surfactants:-
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Surfactants in the fermentation medium are known to increase the secretion of protein by increasing cell membrane permeability. Therefore, addition of these surfactants is used for the production of extracellular enzymes. The detergents Tween-80, Triton X-100 and SDS favored more amylase production in culture media. Tween-80 at 0.002% respectively for cells of A.niger (Table:5).
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The fungi Aspergillus niger was isolated from soil sample collected from garden of govt. sci. college K.K Shastri campus, Khokhra (figure:7). The isolated strain of fungi was studied for enzyme production as well as the enzyme activity was also determined. Effect of various physico-chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, incubation period and effect of various carbon and nitrogen sources was also studied keeping another factor constant.
Enzyme Assay
Table 4: Result Table of Enzyme Assay Blank O.D at 580nm 0.00 Starch control OD1 0.05 Enzyme control OD2 1.50 Test OD3 1.33
Calculation for enzyme activity:V (activity) = [E0-Et/Et] ×A×(1/T)×(1/v)×1000 Where, E0 =OD2-OD1; 1.50-0.05=1:45 Et =OD3-OD1; 1.33-0.05= 1.28 A=12.35 (constant for amylase) T= time of incubation; 15 min v=volume of starch; 2ml Sₒ, V (activity) = [1.45-1.28/1.28] ×12.35×(1/15)×0.5×1000 Sₒ, V (activity) = 49.21 Unite per liter From the above table and calculation the result obtained for enzyme activity under normal lab condition is 49.21 Unit per liter.
Protein estimation
After incubation of 30 min absorbance has been taken at 600nm using digital photo colorimeter and the obtained result are plotted against protein concentration. Concentration of unknown sample (test) is obtained using above standard graph and obtained OD at 600 nm. Table 5: Result table of Protein Estimation Protein Concentration OD at 600nm Blank 00 0.05 0.15 0.1 0.25 0.2 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.6 0.55 0.8 0.65 1 0.75 S1 0.47 S2 0.66
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Standard Graph
Graph: 1 Standard Graph of Folin Lowry for amylase estimation
Amylase concentration calculated according to the graph and obtained result in sample is 0.4 mg/ml and 0.8 mg/ml respectively for S1 and S2.
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Effect of nitrogen source
Graph:2 Effect of various nitrogen sources at 0.03% concentration
To check the effect of nitrogen compounds various nitrogen sources like urea, casein, and gelatin were used in fermentation media. The enzyme has produced maximally in the media containing peptone. Casein has been proved the poor nitrogen source for amylase production with minimum enzyme activity of 29 unit ml-1 trogen
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Effect of Temperature
Graph: 3 Effect of temperature on extra cellular enzyme production
The Effect of temperature on extra cellular enzyme production ranging from 20-50OC on enzyme production was checked after 24 hours of incubation and the obtained enzyme activity was calculated and plotted. Maximum activity was obtained at 30OC and at 20OC the least activity was obtained.
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Effect of pH
Graph: 4 Effect of pH on extracellular enzyme production
pH of the fermentation media was varied from pH 1 6 and the obtained activity of produced enzyme was plotted 1-6 according to obtained result. Enzyme produced at pH 3.0 had gave the maximum activity while at pH 6.0 activity obtained was minimum.
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Table: 5 Effect of various carbon sources of various concentration Carbon Source Concentration Enzyme Activity unit cell-1 44.4 34.6 27.2 48.8 36.8 28.8 10.44 7.52 1.88 42.6 33.5 26.6 37.5 30.4 24.2 32.2 28.5 22.8 35.5 29.6 23.6 41.4 31.2 25.5
0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0
Carbon sources of the fermentation medium was varied using different substrates and concentration was varied from 0.5-2.0 gm per 100ml. starch at 0.5gm per 100 ml had given the maximum enzyme production with 48.8 unit per cell enzyme activity.
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Table: 6 Effect of various surfactants of various cencentration. Detergents Concentration of Surfactants 0.2 0.02 0.002 0.0002 0.2 0.02 0.002 0.0002 0.2 0.02 0.002 0.0002 Enzyme Activity Unit cell-1 42.8 55.69 45.66 44.3 50.2 46.2 59.88 50.1 41.85 42.8 45.66 55.69
Tween 80
To check the effect of surfactants on extra cellular enzyme production various surfactants in various concentrations were added in fermentation media and the obtained activity has been showed in above table. Maximum activity enzyme was obtained at 0.002% concentration of mostly all surfactants and the highest enzyme activity was obtained with TrionX-100 at 0.002 concentration that is 59.88 units per cell.
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Effect of Incubation Period
Graph: 5 Effect of incubation period on extracellular enzyme production
The fermentation sample was collected after 24 hours for 15 days to check the effect of incubation period on the production of enzyme by the A.niger. Enzyme activity was calculated and was plotted against incubation period. . otted From graph it can be seen that the maximum enzyme was produced after 5 days .
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The number of enzymes secreted by various strain of the fungi Aspergillus include amylases, lipases, cellulose, xylanases, glucoamylase, proteases as well as various organic acid like citric acid. Members of genus Aspergillus (formed A.niger strain) are distributed worldwide and are regarded as common food spoilage fungi. Some of them are widely used as studied as industrial purposes. They are common sources of extra cellular enzymes and organic acids to be used in food processing and are also used in the production of traditional foods, especially in the Orient. Products produced by strains of Aspergillus niger can produce ochratoxin A, a nephrotoxic mycotoxin.
Although Aspergillus species are not usually considered as serious plant pathogens, Aspergillus are frequently encountered in plant products. The most important consequence of their presence is mycotoxin contamination. The main mycotoxins produced by Aspergillus are the aflatoxin, ochratoxin. A and patulin, which are produced by a variety of Aspergillus species in different plant commodities. The organization of the biosynthetic genes of patulin and ochratoxins is unknown, although experinments are in progress in several laboratories to clarify the genetic background of biosynthesis of these mycotoxins. Identification of biosynthetic genes responsible for mycotoxin production is assential for clarifying the evolution of mycotoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus, and to develop specific gene probes for the detection of mycotoxin-producing Aspergillus in agricultural products.
The occurance of amylolytic organism from the soil agrees with earlier report that the soil is known to be a repository of amylase procedure. Aspergillus niger requires no flooding, no prior replication of colonies on slants: the zones are very sharp and contrast with the blue-black background. Identification and characterization of alpha amylase producing strains were studied (Mitidieri S et al, 2006). These thermo stable alpha-amylases differ in their pH optimum, temperature optimum, temperature stability and in several other physiochemical properties depending on the species origin. Hence different enzymes have found specific applicability in different industries. A number of reports exits regarding the influences of various environmental conditions like effect of pH value and temperature optimum, incubation period, carbon sources, nitrogen sources on the production of alpha-amylase by Aspergillus niger. Increase in the incubation period resulted in the production of alpha-amylase by culture of Aspergillus niger. It may be due to the fact that after maximum production of alpha-amylase enzymes (maximum incubation time), the production of others by production result in the depletion of nutrients. These byproducts inhibited the growth of fungi and hence enzyme formation.
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The enzyme is very sensitive to pH. Therefore, the selection of optimum pH is very assential for the production of alpha-amylase (Sao Paulo et al, 1996). A pH regulatory system may be especially important. Apart from the regulatory effect on gene expression, cultivation pH can also affect fungal morphology greatly (Costa J et al, 1996).Thus, development of an optimal pH control strategy is helpful in obtaining higher protein productivity. Enzyme production started at pH 3.0 and cease at pH 8.0. Maximum enzyme production of enzyme occurred at pH 4 to 6, very little growth was observed without enzyme production in medium at initial pH 3 to 4. The ability of filamentous fungi to secret large amounts of extra- cellular proteins makes them well suited for protein production (Adebiyi CAB et al, 1998).
The carbon and nitrogen source are two important factors affecting cell growth and product formation of microorganisms. Carbon and nitrogen sources may have either repressing or inducing effects on enzyme productions. Glucoamy, amylase, and alpha-glycosidase are all up regulated (induced) by starcg down-regulated (repressed) by glucose. (Alvarez-Vasquez et al, 2000)
The conventional, mutagenesis- based, strain improvement methods can be applied for enzyme production from filamentous fungi (Abe et al, 1988). And the application of recombinant DNA techniques is beginning to reveal important information on the molecular basis of fungal enzyme production and this knowledge is now being applied both in the laboratory and commercially. At the molecular level free and immobilized. A niger cells can be encoded for hydrolytic enzyme production, which provides a valuables source for researches interested and applicants. (Prescott S et al, 1987)
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Among a large number of non-pathogenic microorganisms capable of produced useful enzymes, Aspergillus are particularly interesting due to their easy cultivation, and high production of extracellular enzymes with potential industrial exploitation. It was also concluded in our present study that both nutritional and culture condition were required for optimum growth and production of alpha amylase from cells of A.niger. Alpha amylases are of the most widely used enzymes required for the preparation of fermented food. Apart from food and starch industries, in which demand for them is increasing continuously, they are also used in various other industries such as paper and pulp, textile, etc. (Pedersen H et al, 2000). Commercially most of the production of αamylase is carried out in submerged fermentation, but solid-state fermentation is being looked at as a potential tool for its production, especially applying agro industrial residues as substrate.
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References: Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011-‘12)’ Page 36 Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011-‘12)’ Page 37 This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software Production of Amylase enzyme from Aspergillus niger (2011-‘12)’ Page 38 This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software
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Global J. of Mod. Biol. & Tech., 2012: 2 (3) Research Paper: Arunkumar et al., 2012: Pp.68-72. ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION PHYTASE PRODUCING MICROBES FROM POULTRY SOIL SAMPLE Arunkumar.R., Bharath Chandra Sugunesh. G and A.M. Vinothkumar Dept. of Biotechnology, Prathyusha Institute of Technology and Management, Thiruvallur-25. ABSTRACT Phytase producing thirteen microbial strains were identified in poultry soil sample collected at Sathyamangalam, Erode district, Tamilnadu. Among thirteen isolates, two of them were the best of phytases enzyme producer and identified as Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus. Under solid substrate culture condition Aspergillus fumigatus was screened for phytase production on agricultural by-products. The results showed that wheat bran with sugarcane molasses was the best substrate for production of phytase. Phytase purified by non chromatography method, the purified enzyme has an apparent molecular weight 64kDa. Keywords: Phytase, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus terreus. INTRODUCTION Phytase is widespread in nature, occurring in plants, microorganisms, as well as in some animals. Microbial Phytase activity was most frequently detected in fungi. Phytic acid was discovered as early as in 1872 by Pfeffer and a first note on Phytase can be found in the literature in 1907. Phytase belongs to the group of phosphoric monoester hydrolases; it catalyzes the hydrolysis of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate to inorganic monophosphate and lower phosphoric esters of myo-inositol, or in some cases to free myo-inositol (Vats and Banerjee, 2004 and Howson and Davies, 2005). Shieh and Ware (1968) isolated 30 microorganisms from soil for extracellular Phytase activity. All Phytase producers were filamentous fungi, 28 of them belonged to the genus Aspergillus, one species belonging to Penicillium and on to Mucor. Most of the isolates produced only intracellular Phytase (Ghada et al., 2011). Similarly A. niger strains was best producers of…
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