Indifference between the partners. There isn 't a more specific definition because people perceive it in different ways. Some view it as a dehumanizing act while others see it as an occupation that performs a useful service to society. I choose this topic because it is a problem in our current society. It plagues our streets and causes a number of problems to the people in the profession. In writing this paper I hope to learn more abut prostitution in the United States along with the risks associated with it.
In the United States, prostitution is legal in only one of the fifty states, Nevada. It’s considered a mis-deamor in the other 49 states (Rasmusson, 1999). Prostitution tends to be clustered in certain areas known for solicitation. In these areas it is difficult to estimate the number of persons who currently work, or have ever worked as prostitutes for many reasons, including the various definitions of prostitution. Regardless, prostitution is a plague. Arrest figures range over 100,000 every year. The National Task Force on Prostitution suggests that over one million people in the U.S. have worked as prostitutes in the United States. This figure works out to be about 1% of American women. The average prostitution arrests include 70% female prostitutes, 20% male prostitutes, and 10% customer. Sadly our society feeds money to prostitution. It is estimated that the prostitution trade generates $14 billion a year (Rasmusson, 1999). In my opinion the government should open up more programs that aware future potential victims of
References: Prostitutes Collective of Victoria-website Abraham, Yvonne, "Prostitution Theory 101"-found under Council for Prostitution Alternatives. Prostitution is Cruelty and Abuse to Women and Children." Feminist Broadcast Quarterly, Spring 1993. Parriott, Ruth. Health Experiences of Twin Cities Women Used in Prostitution: Survey Findings and Recommendations. Unpublished, May 1994. Available from Breaking Free, 1821 University Ave., Suite 312, South, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104; also available from the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Anne Rasmusson, “Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Literature Review,” The Alliance for Speaking Truths on Prostitution and The Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, June 1, 1999.