Good morning to our english teacher Madam Mohana . Today , we want to discuss about living in countryside is better than living in city . There are many points that we can discuss , such as
Living in countryside is healthier than living in city
Living in countryside our social is better than living in city
Cost living in countryside cheaper than living in city
Living in countryside is more safety than living in city
That’s all from me . Thank you .
Nurul ashiqin muzafar
Good morning to all of you . If you all want to know living in countryside is healthier than living in city because in countryside we can get more fresh air than city . Furthermore , in countryside is peaceful and harmony . Lastly , in countryside there are no pollution . That’s all from me
Nurul syafieqah razif
Good morning to all of you . Living in countryside our social is better than living in city . Besides that people in countryside is more friendly and polite than people in city . People in countryside will help each other when there aremany problem . so , living in countryside is the best than living in city . Thank you .
Aishah Ezzati zainal ariffin
Good morning . if we living in the city we must to use more many right ? if we living in countryside the cost cheaper than living in the city . In countryside we can plant vegetables and fruits by ourself .We also can get our household cheaper than the city right ? Lastly , we also can get food cheaper than the city . the conclusion better we stay at the countryside . Thank you
Nur izzaty asry
Good morning . Living in countryside is more safety than living in the city . is the statement is true ? of coure yes because in coutryside is less traffic compare to city . there are alsoless heavy vehicles . and one more important thing there less criminal in countryside . people in counterside is more responsibilities than people in city . thank you .