Comment: Assertive teachers act in a calm, confident and businesslike manner. They let their discipline plan do all of the work. The response they desire is clearly communicated.…
Once a week all employees, manager, and physicians have a weekly meeting for about an hour. The meeting consists of ideas for making the clinic run more smoothly, concerns that need to be addressed, goals to be accomplished, and other topics are routinely discussed. During the meeting, I use assertive communication. Assertive communication means you stand-up for your needs, wants, and opinions in a respectful and clear manner. (2014 Life123, Inc.). I speak for myself and try to involve others with my ideas.…
* Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. Never speak over, but in, or cut off another person.…
notes of what is being said and expressed. You should have respecting skills, you should respect…
Substance Abuse Concerns. Low scorers have no problems with alcohol and/or illegal drugs. High scorers report substantial use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs and may be disruptive.…
It is written on the premise that when you are stuck in any situation, whether it be at home with a spouse or child or work with other members of leadership or supervisees that there is a crucial conversation keeping you from accomplishing the desired results. The book encourages you to speak up in these crucial moments effectively so that in return you can accomplish the results you are after. The book begins by defining a crucial conversation and continues in depth to exactly how we handle crucial conversations; We can avoid them, We can face them and handle them poorly and We can face them and handle them well. Throughout this summary, I will discuss the specifics of Chapter 7 (p.131), which I found to be the most applicable and meaningful currently. Chapter 7 titled, State my Path; How to Speak Persuasively, Not Abrasively highlights five skills that can help us advocate for our opinions and beliefs while making others feel safe, valued, and respected.…
1. ---- is the ability to express your feelings, opinions, beliefs and wants directly, openly and honestly, while not violating the personal rights of others (assertiveness)…
Assertive- Being assertive means that you express yourself effectively and stand up for your point of view, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others. Being assertive can also help boost your self-esteem and earn others'…
Often times, I am not as assertive as I will like to be. I feel since I am new to the nursing field I lack confidence and tend to be rather quiet. I do communicate the needs of my patient to physicians, but I lack the confidence to suggest an intervention that might be beneficial to the patient. Usually, I convey my intervention to the RN and then in turn she talks to the physician about it. In the end, my intervention is implemented in the interest of the patient. I see that being assertive in nursing is a win/win situation in where all parties negotiate for a positive outcome. As I become familiar with different procedures and my skills grow I know that I can become an assertive communicator that is confident, open, and candid with the healthcare…
Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. O. (2013). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (13th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning…
If I had a disagreement with a supervisor at work my guiding statement would help me to be honest with the supervisor as to what I was feeling about the disagreement and as why I feel it is the right thing for me . I would do all this while maintain a friendly and positive attitude.…
A challenge for me is my more reserved demeanor. Although I provide input to others when asked, I often hesitate to express my opinion first. With awareness of this I push myself to be more assertive, take initiative and not question myself internally. On a daily basis in the field of child protection I am challenged with a multitude of situations that I must prioritize in order to move forward; this requires me to stay focused and put the child's safety first in order to determine what is in the best interest of the child. Through these…
* Organizations strive to achieve one main goal and that is to be productive. No business wants to go under or stay in the same position year after year not growing. One does not have to really know the definition of productive and counterproductive because the word its self say plenty. To me, productive behavior says achieve goals and completing tasks. Counterproductive says just the opposite. This paper will analyze the relationship between productive and counterproductive behavior in organizations. The paper will define productive and counterproductive behavior; describe the impact that productive and counterproductive behaviors have on the job performance and the overall performance of an organization. I will also recommend strategies to increase productive behavior and decrease counterproductive behavior in organizations.…
There are many strengths to this assertive discipline model and these are that it help children understand what is expected of them in the setting such as that if they do something positive they will be praised such as having a praise at the end of the day, and if they do something negative they will be have a punishment for it such as losing a few minutes from play time. It is also very beneficial to parents, carers and practitioners as it helps them see whether they are constant with how they manage with unwanted behaviour. It also tells us that there are rules that set out how to…
Counseling psychology focuses on the emotional, social, mental and health-related concerns of clients. Therapy and rehabilitation are usually the main treatments for clients seeking psychological aid; however, psychologists specializing in counseling generally offer therapeutic treatments to clients with a variety of symptoms. Over the years, counseling psychology has helped many to resolve issues involving self-development, distress and social wellbeing. Counseling psychologists may work with children, adults, families, and couples. These…