Dr. Joe McBride
Dr. Arjan Keizer
I certify that this assignment is the result of my own work and does not exceed the word count noted. Number of words: 1500 (Excluding references, title page)
Assess the advantages and problems facing an employer seeking to manage employee relations in a non-union environment.
The issue of the ‘non-union’ firm has come to the forefront in Britain principally because it has been seen as an exemplar of one strand of the new industrial relations (Beardwell, 1993). During her reign in the 1980’s, Margaret Thatcher was a staunch opponent of Britain’s powerful trade union and her government brought about its downfall (BBC News, 2004). As the overall level of union membership and density has fallen in Britain throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s, researchers have begun to pay more attention to the non-union employment sector (Beaumont and Harris, 1993). Employee relations in non-union settings remain largely uninvestigated by industrial relations researchers (Mcloughlin and Gourlay, 2007). Non-unionism is more paramount in certain parts of the country and in certain sectors in the UK such as High technology firms which are frequent exemplars of new human resource management techniques designed to substitute for unions. The term ‘non-union’ is concerned with a situation where trade union recognition is absent; in some situations non-union does not mean the complete absence of a trade union (Dundon and Rollinson, 2004). Examples of non-union representation are joint industrial councils, peer-review dispute resolution panel, European works style-council (Kaufman and Taras, 2000).
Non-union firms differ in quite substantial ways; Guest and Hoque (1994) identify four possible types of non-union establishments. Firstly is the ‘good’ establishments (otherwise known as a ‘full utilization, high involvement model’ (Kelly, 2002) which have clear HRM strategies and make extensive use of a
References: BBC News. (2004). Enemies within: Thatcher and the trade unions. Available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3067563.stm [Accessed 20/03/2010]. Beardwell, I. J. (1993). Can management cope with non-union firm. Management Research news. Vol, 16, No. 5, 6; 16-18. Brunstein, I. (1995). Human Resource Management in Western Europe. Walt de Gruyter. Berlin; New York. Dundon, T. and Rollinson, D. (2004). Employment Relations in non-union firms. Routledge. London. Rose, E. (2008). Employment Relations. Pearson Education. England. Edwards, P. and Edwards, P. (2003). Industrial Relations: theory and practice. Wiley-Blackwell. United Kingdom. Guest, D. and Hoque, K. (1994). The good, the bad and the ugly. Employment relations in new non-union workplaces. Human Resource Management Journal. Vol, 5, Iss 1, pp. 1-14. Kaufman, B. E. and Taras, D. G. (2000). ‘Non-union employee representation: History, Contemporary practice and policy. Sharpe Inc. USA. Kelly, J. (2002). Industrial Relations. Routledge. USA and Canada. Lautz, F. G. (2004). Non-union employers regain the right to conduct interviews without a co-worker present. Available at http://library.findlaw.com/2004/Jul/21/133514.html [Accessed 30/3/2010]. Machin, S. (2000). ‘Union Decline in Britain’. British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol, 30, Iss 4, 631-45. Marchington, M. and Wilkinson, A. (2005). Human resource management at work: people management and development. CIPD. London McLoughlin, I McLoughlin, I. and Gourlay, S. (2007). Enterprise without unions: the management of employee relations in non-union firms. Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 669-691. Redman, T. and Wilkinson, A. (2009). Contemporary Human Resource Management: Text and Cases. Prentice Hall. London. Sparrow, P. and Cooper, L. C. (2003). The employment relationship: key challenges for HR. Butterworth-Heinnemann. Oxford. Walter, K. and Madland, D. (2009). Unions are good for the American economy. Available at http://www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/2009/02/efca_factsheets.html [Accessed 10/03/2010].