Communication skills are very important as one gets to associate with other individuals of different ethnicity and culture developing a bond. When personnel volunteers their service to do a specific work, these individuals often meet new people and expand their social skills. Volunteers are often individuals who are willing to help and also to lend a helping hand. If a shy individual would like to get rid of the shyness it is always …show more content…
Moreover, in order for an individual to gain experience one must be taught or showed to do such activity. While volunteering, whether it might be at an institution or a group, the participant is a guarantee to learn something new from the establishment as there might be different personnel also volunteering and every individual has something to share that another individual doesn’t know. Volunteering service at a government institution, for example, a Bank, they might have you do filing, something you never did before, moreover you will learn and when it is your time to look or a job and their requirement is a filing manager you might get hired for such position as you further have