Mobile telecommunication industries in this country with time have increasingly played major roles in not only the lives of the people within the community in which they are situated but also in the total economic well being of the country as a whole through their social responsibility activities. The Mobile telecommunication industry in this country has increased tremendously within the past couple of years, and have increasingly played major roles in not only the lives of the people within the community in which they are situated but also in the total economic well being of the country as a whole through their social responsibility activities.
The idea of Social Responsibility has developed differently around the world because of different histories, culture and institution. (Steiner George 2000)
In the past years, the multi-faceted problems made it almost impossible for indigenous industries to undertake social activities in developing countries. However, corporate social responsibility (CSR) research has blossomed in this new millennium. This is due to the increasing concern expressed by policy makers and individual bodies about corporate social responsibility and the pressure exerted on organizations to demonstrate high ethical standards.
This project is very important because Ghana may need a new code of conduct, laws and regulations and multi-stakeholder agreements and private voluntary initiatives as new businesses are beginning to emerge into our system. Telecommunication industry is a typical example of a fast growing industry within our system. It is therefore imperative that we acknowledge the significance of their corporate contribution to the societies and the nation, for this foresight to be smart and articulate.
The precise concept of CSR is understood in different ways, having different representations of the concept relatable to different paradigms and concerns.
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