I dedicate this work to my loving daughter and Husband, Emmanuelle Anastasia Etornam Kwawununu and Dr. Fauster K. Kwawununu.
My gratitude first goes to the Almighty God for his sustenance throughout my endeavours.
I wish to express my profound gratitude to Dr. Isaac Owusu, my supervisor; and to all facilitators of the course and management of KATH and LSTM for the various contributions they made to make this project a reality.
Special thanks go to Miss Felicia Agbenorwu, a Research Assistant at the Trauma and Orthopaedics Directorate, KATH who administered the questionnaires. To all the respondents I say ‘Ayeeko.’
My husband, family and friends deserve congratulations for their untiring support.
Last but not the least, I acknowledge the healthy and fruitful interactions, suggestions and criticisms from my course mates. THANK YOU ALL.
Background: Most accident victims have their social and economic status being affected. This fact cannot be denied in the sense that most of the victims are deprived of their social life as well as going back to their various jobs after the accident.
Objectives: To assess the Socio-Economic Impact on Road Traffic Accident Victims in KATH.
Methodology: A cross sectional descriptive study of 82 patients who were managed for various injuries of road traffic accident was carried out between 1st May and 31st September, 2012. Consents were given by patients who were involved in accident and were discharged from admission and came for review. Questionnaires were administered to them to assess the socio-economic impact on them. Types of injury were retrieved from their folders as well as their levels of incapacitation which were collected from their final medical reports. Results: Result from