There are some assumptions made by university health care system in its implementation that the common advantages of using a computerized system would obviously work to their own advantage. Users of the system make a great impact to the existence of the same. It is imperative to consider old data that is supposed to be fed to the system in order to make it efficient while updating the rest of information. Self evaluation process is recommendable to the system by the Information Technology experts. The human interface of the system should be included by the evaluation team. This will include two psychologists. The above aspects should be considered by a team of analysts before they conclude on whether the project does or does not meet its worth.
Case Study 16, “Assessing the Value and Impact of CPOE.”
University Health Care System did not do a thorough investigation of the impacts that the CPOE process would have had on the current system. For this reason, they took the step to begin the process without having had its basics. They may have had assumed that the common advantages of using a computerized system would obviously work to their own advantage. They failed to realize that the user understands and experience with using the new system would have a significant impact on the efficiency of the system. The staff had not been well educated on how to use the system and hence had remarkably little experience on how to make it work out for them. They had the right idea, but just did not do it like it is supposed to be done.
What process will you use to develop a plan for assessing the value of the CPOE?
A good and efficient way to implement the process would be first enter the old data. A small team could be hired to input the records existing on paper into computer files. This is estimated to take a short while as the teams’ only purpose is to enter the data. Effective CPOE implementation requires integration with existing hospital information