Assessment 1
Question One (16 marks)
Read the following case study “Working Holiday Incident”, research Health and Safety in employment in New Zealand and then write your own answers to the questions below relating them where possible to the case study.
a) Explain two main responsibilities under the current HSE Act for both employers and employees (four responsibilities in total). (0.5 mark each = 2 marks)
b) The case “Working Holiday Incident” states that DVDs and a booklet were used to show safe work practices and presumably, to identify hazards at the pack house. In order to make the site-specific DVD, a hazard identification exercise would have been carried out. Explain in detail how you would carry this out (as a Health and Safety Representative) (2 marks). Give two examples of hazards you identify from the case study (0.5 mark each = 1 mark), explaining specifically how each one would be controlled (2 marks), and how the information would be notified to staff members (1 mark). (Total 6 marks)
c) Some steps in accident procedures are mentioned in the case study, such as contacting emergency services and the Department of Labour, and providing emergency first aid. Explain five more steps you would take in order to investigate the accident. (5 marks)
d) Explain why Health and Safety must be part of induction and training for all staff members. How would you ensure that they are reminded of their obligations under the HSE Act? (3 marks)
Working Holiday Incident
(I acknowledge the work of Angela Singleton as the original author of material adapted for this case study.)
If you are in the age group 18-30 years and want to explore New Zealand and at the same time earn money, you can choose, for example, seasonal work in the horticulture or viticulture industries, and obtain a relevant working holiday visa. You can work for up to 6 months of a 12 month visa. (Link for more information: