Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment.
* It is important to understand and identify any particular needs the learner may have so they are able to learn to the best of their ability and get the most out of the qualification. Ensuring they receive the best quality learning can help them achieve their best. * Keeping track of what the learner has learnt is important so there is no repetition and they are learning new topics all the time. This will also contribute to how well the learner takes on new information and what they get from that. * Summative assessment is important to make sure the learner understands what is being taught and they understand any learning outcomes.
* Assessments used as a process of making judgements are very important as they help us measure where the learner is at in a number of different ways. These can help us as assessors ensure out learners are learning at the right stage and to the right criteria. * Validity – the state or quality of being valid. To question the validity of the argument. (dictionary.com) it can also mean - Validity in assessment refers to measuring what it says it is measuring, be it knowledge, understanding, subject content, skills, information, behaviours, etc. (http://www.saqa.org.za/docs/critguide/assessment/ch03.pdf) * Reliability – the ability to be relied on or depended on as for accuracy, honesty or achievement. (dictionary.com) it can also mean - Reliability in assessment is about consistency. Consistency refers to the same judgements being made in the same, or similar contexts each time a particular assessment for specified stated intentions is administered. (http://www.saqa.org.za/docs/critguide/assessment/ch03.pdf) * Having the learner gather evidence can help in the decision making for the assessor in many different ways. One of which is to ensure the learner is doing the work and is kept up to date. *