Tesco has given its incoming new chief executive a ‘blank sheet of paper’ to determine the company’s future. The shareholders are demanding radical change at Britain’s biggest grocer.
Dave Lewis who was head of unilever’s personal care business started his new role as Chief executive with Tesco in September 2014 at a time when sales fell 4% in the three months to mid-August (Kantar World 2014).
Mr Lewis has already been given the title ‘desperate Dave’ and Shore Capital (2014) believes around 5000 head office jobs could be lost.
(Based on article in the Sunday Times 31.8.14)
This assessment contains one task with two components, both of which must be completed.
Your team represents a group of marketing consultants with experience of driving innovation in large organisations.
You have been asked to meet Mr Lewis and senior colleagues at Head Office and suggest ways in which Tesco can respond to the disruptive innovation strategies being used by other organisations with the market.
Your specific task is to;
Identify and evaluate the disruptive strategic innovations developed by the key competitors to Tesco, such as Aldi ( but not exclusively)
Recommend and justify a suitable response by Tesco which can be agreed by the board
Time Available
You have 15 minutes to make your presentation and afterwards there will be a short period following the presentation to take questions from the board.
Your presentation and supporting documents will be assessed according to the criteria below.
For your work to be assessed you must; have mailed one copy of your presentation to, or by 10.00am on the morning of the presentation together with your Contribution Log and the signed confirmation of the mark allocation. complete one electronic copy of the assessment form to accompany the presentation bring along two copies of the presentation which must be printed off with four slides to a page and be accompanied by the student declaration form.
Asda has introduced same-day delivery at 250 of its click-and-collect points after a trial on the London Underground.The service is available for customers who order products online before 1pm. Of the 250 collection points, 120 are ‘drive through’ units at which shoppers can receive goods directly in their cars. Asda has 300 click and collect points in total.
Delivering Customer Value: Presentation Cover Sheet
Module Title: Delivering Customer Value
MC6050 Module Code:
Year: 2014/15
Group Name:
Name of Case Study Tesco-
Submission Format Options: Please tick one box and sign below. Peer assessment requires documentary evidence
Equal Shares
Peer Assessment
No Agreement
Family Name Initials ID number Signature
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MC 6050
Academic Year 2014-2015
GROUP REPORT: Assessment Criteria/ Feedback
Student Names:
Student ID:
Tutor: Ray Donnelly
Due Date:
Assessment Criteria
The concept of disruptive innovation is understood and clearly explained within the presentation.
The presentation identified and explained the disruptive innovations developed/being developed by the key competitors.
Ability to link innovation with other related concepts
Evidence of relevant theoretical concepts being used to support and justify the recommendations.
Quality and timing of presentation/ supporting materials. Ability to handle questions.
Clear evidence of team work
Overall Comments
Agreed Mark:
Please note your mark remains provisional until the moderation process has been completed
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