This guide provides you with information and criteria sheets for AMB202 Integrated Marketing Communication assessment items. There are three criterion referenced assessment items within this unit: hot topic oral presentation, an IMC Evaluation project and poster (group).
Hot topic Pecha Kucha oral presentation – individual 25%
This assessment item is designed to build skills both in research analysis and interpretation of an IMC topic, as well as building oral presentation skills. This assessment item requires you to choose one (1) IMC topic and review it in class. Presentations will begin from week 5. It needs to be HOT and current. Presentations are no longer than 7 (seven) minutes. A Pecha Kucha style presentation ensures that you have a specific time limit. They should be informative but interesting. We don’t want to be lectured. Have fun with it. It is your seven minutes of fame (see Warhol). You will need to submit proof that your topic is hot, so please attach a copy of newspaper, journal, trade publication article, or website print out. Please also attach a Bibliography to show us your research sources.
Major project
Assessment three: IMC Plan – group 20% plus 20% Poster (or computer simulation)
You will choose one organisation, person or a brand from a range presented to you (or you may choose your own – just speak with your tutor about this, but we don’t encourage it). Next, you are required to investigate your topic and its environment and define organisational and marketing communication issues through primary and secondary sources. Using the Consistency Triangle as a framework, analyse if your chosen client is undertaking consistency, or if there are inconsistencies in their marketing communication messages.
You are required to review the situation ie a situational analysis, undertake a SWOT analysis , define and justify the problem/s if any that exist, research and