Assessment of an Organization: u09a1
Wini Ray
Capella University
In this paper the learner describes, discusses and evaluates an organization in regard to their mission, services, operational methods for delivering such services, community involvement, history, cultural competence in regard to diverse staff and populations served.
Daybreak: Changing Lives, Creating Futures
This learner interviewed the Chief Operating Officer of an organization in the city of Dayton, Ohio. It is an Emergency Shelter for homeless minors called Daybreak. Their main location is centrally located in the city with 30 sites scattered through various locations in the metro region and provides a total of 54 transitional housing units. Due to the economic downturn and closings of other programs and facilities addressing this population, they are experiencing an increase in both the prevalence and the severity of issues facing the youth served. Their primary objective is to help homeless minors secure safe permanent housing, develop the life skills that will help them become contributing members of society, to reconcile minor youth with their families or find a safe alternative for those unable to return home. Many who come to Daybreak are “broken” from abuse, neglect and other traumas. According to many respected developmental theorists, including Maslov (2012), safety is one of the primary survival needs. Erikson understood that the first "psychosocial" crisis for any infant is the establishment of trust; also meaning the feeling of safety. Newman & Newman.
Advocacy with Diverse Populations
According to the Census (2010) Dayton has 799,232 people. The three main racial groups that make up Dayton, Ohio are 50.5% Caucasian, 42.6 % African-American, 3% Hispanic. The poverty rate is 31% with a median income of $29, 368 and a median age of 34.4 years. The makeup of the staff and clientele reflect this perfectly in terms
References: Bath, H. (2008). The three pillars of trauma-informed care. Reclaiming Children and Youth, 17(3), 17-21. Retrieved from Brown, S. M., Baker, C. N., & Wilcox, P. (2012). Risking connection trauma training: A pathway toward trauma-informed care in child congregate care settings. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, And Policy, 4(5), 507-515. doi:10.1037/a0025269 Newby, A. (2012). Human trafficking: What psychiatric nurses should know to help children and adolescents. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 50(4), 21-4. doi: Newman, B & Newman, P (2012) Development Through Life; A Psychosocial Approach. (11th ed. ) Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Zack, S. E., PhD., Saekow, J., & Radke, A. (2012). Treating adolescent depression with psychotherapy: The three T 's. Psychiatric Times, 29(11), 36-38. Retrieved from