Introduction Mathematics is one of the fundamental topics in school curricula. Student should be taught the essence of the subject to prepare them for their future. In this case, what they have learned must be applied and used in the real life situations. Indeed mathematics, is an important subject because the skills that the students get from it can be used as a tool to solve some problems they might encounter in daily life. Attaining the quality of students’ performance is a top priority of the teacher. But there are times that teacher feel like they are ineffective especially when their students got failed on the assessment of learning. After those bundles of effort they have prepared like making the lesson plan, selection and use of teaching strategies and instructional materials, etc. still their students fail to attain the goals or objectives of the lesson. For the teachers not to feel the frustrations from this kind of situation, they must take into consideration some external or environmental factors that affect the students’ performance. The home-environment situation is an accepted factor that contributes towards the Mathematics performance of the students. According to Brenda B. Corpuz (2007) in her book “Principles of Teaching 1”, the principal elements that make teaching and learning possible and attainable are the teachers, the learners, and a conducive learning environment. Without one, there could be no teaching nor will there be learning of a desired objective. Only when a positive relationship exists among them can teaching and learning occur with precision and predictability. The teacher serves as the prime mover of the educational wheel while the learners are the key participants in the learning process. The favorable environment provides essential features and ingredients that could make headway in guiding the processes and methodologies needed for a smooth linkage among the three.
Theoretical Framework Lewin’s (1951) Topological and Vector Theory states that, “what forces influence a situation. It claims that forces are either driving or blocking movement toward the goal. The behavior that an individual manifests at a particular point in time is the product of existing focus which simultaneously happens in his life space. The internal forces that affect the learning include the ideas, expectations, feeling attitude, and needs of the child while the external forces are the psychological environment including other human beings that are around the individual.
In this study, the school, the teacher, and home-environment related factors considered to be the external forces that affect the students’ performance in Mathematics. The student related factor or Mathematics self-concept of the child which is considered hereditary and cognitive by nature is the internal force.
Conceptual Framework
The input of this study’s paradigm is performance of the student respondent in terms of a Division Achievement Test affected by the attributing factors namely student, teacher, school, and home-environment related factor.
The process is the evaluation of the level of performances in Mathematics of selected 4th year students. The researchers will personally administer the questionnaire to the respondents, observe and interview them to gather the data needed in the study.
The output includes the suggested measures to be employed so that difficulties in Mathematics will be minimized and students’ performance will be improved.
Input Level of performance in the achievement test in mathematics.Attributing factors on students’ weaknesses on mathematics- Student factor- Teacher factor- School factor- Home-environment factor |
Process - Questionnaire- Interview- Observation |
Output Suggested measures to be adapted for the reduction of weaknesses in Mathematics:- Give more examples in different topics to be discussed.- Evaluate students at the end of every topic.- Have adequate books, references and IMs.- Give more attention to slow learners.- Provide a guide to develop good study habits among students.- Apply effective or appropriate teaching method to the level of intelligence of the student.- Updating the parents regarding their child’s performance in Mathematics. |
Figure 1. Research Paradigm of the Study
Statement of the Problem
1. How may the respondents’ level of performance in mathematics be described in terms of the following mathematical components:
2. What is the extent of the following attributing factors on the students’ level of performance in mathematics? a. Student factor b. Teacher factor c. School factor d. Home-environment factor
3. Is there a significant relationship between the students attributing facts of weaknesses and their factors of weaknesses and their level of competencies in the components of mathematical skills?
4. What are the measures suggested to solve these difficulties?
There is no significant relationship between the students’ assessment of the attributing factors of weaknesses and their level of competencies in the different components of mathematical skills.
Scope and Limitation This study is limited only to 4th year students of Pacita Complex National High School during school year 2012 – 2013. Assessing the attributing factors on the students’ level of performance in Mathematics was the focus of this research. All information and conclusions drawn from this study were obtained only to this particular group of students.
Significance of the Study The results of the study are deemed significant to the following individuals/groups: Students. The results of the study may help the students adjust to the situations that hinder them from learning in a way that may best fit their needs. Students may also realize that they are given importance by the school, the teacher, and especially their parents which may boost their morale to study harder. The results may also be an instrument to realize the importance of the teacher and parents in the pursuit of academic excellence. Mathematics Teachers. If the teacher known that the parents are highly-involved with their children’s education, techniques and methodologies may be developed this may contribute to the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. The teacher, upon learning the results of the study, may also work hand-in-hand with the administrators of the school’s guidance counselor and with the parents of the students so that specific problems can be resolved. Constant communication with the parents may also help in the close monitoring performance of the students. Parents. Parents may realize their equal importance to the teaching-learning process. Upon learning the results of the study, parents may also find ways to adjust to situations which might have been taken for granted. The study will also help n close monitoring of the children’s performance in school. With this study, parents may implement programs at home that will suit the needs of the children. By understanding how the different factors affect learning, parents will have a deep understanding on how children can adapt to the demand of the school in terms of learning. The Guidance Counselor. The guidance counselor may have a clearer view on how the students perform in their Mathematics subject. Since the guidance counselor is one of the people in the institution who is mostly in contact with the parents, important details may be coursed through immediately so that future related problems can be minimized, if not avoided. The counselor may also consider the result of the entrance examination of the would-be applicant of and carefully analyze if a student truly fits on his/her chosen course. Based on the assessment of the Guidance Counselor of the results of the entrance examination, a professional advice may be given to direct the student to pursuing a certain career. Pacita Complex National High School (PCNHS). This study will help the school develop a stronger bond with the parents to reach its common goal – to make better individuals out of the students. PCNHS may schedule and update the parents, and vice-versa, with the latest developments about the students. Seminars may also be provided by the school to parents about better parenting. Future Researchers. The problem in the educational system, specifically in Mathematics, seems to be endless. Hopefully, this study will serve as springboard to similar future studies.
Definition of Terms
Chapter 2
Related Literature Lewin’s (1951) Topological and Vector Theory is believed to be the most relevant theory to the study as perceived by the researches. The researchers believe the learning of the child is affected by different forces around him. These forces may include the students’ cognitive ability, personal perception about what is being learned, and the support of the immediate environment.
1. External Forces 1.1 Teacher Factor The professional teachers is the “licensed professional who possesses dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence …s/she adheres to observes and practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values.: (Codes of Ethics of Professional Teachers, 1997) The professional teacher is one who went through four to five year period of rigorous academic preparation in teaching and one who is given a license to teach by the Board for Professional Teachers of the Professional Regulation Commission after fulfilling requirements prescribed by law such as passing the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). S/he is registered in the roster of professional teachers at the Professional education.
A professional teacher perceives himself/ herself as someone who can effect change or learning, because s/he is an expert in what s/he teachers, and in how s/he teaches. A professional teacher possesses the following attributes: * Control of the knowledge base of teaching and learning and use of this knowledge to guide the science and art of his/her teaching practice. * Repertoire of best teaching practice and use these to instruct children in classrooms and to work with adults in the school setting. * Dispositions and skills to approach all aspects of his/her work in a reflective, collegial, and problem-solving manner. * View of learning to teach as a lifelong proves and disposition and skill for working towards improving his/her own teaching as well as improving schools. (Arends, 1994)
A professional teacher should also possess the following personal attributes: * Passion
Passion in teaching is a compelling force that emerges from one’s that emerges from one’s inborn love for children. Passionate teachers exude spontaneity in ministering to the needs of the students especially those experiencing learning difficulties. Passion, being an overpowering feeling requires judgmental decisions; hence teachers can sense differing reactions that must be corrected with appropriate reformative action. Passion does not die nor diminish. They feel they “will live and die a teacher”. * Humor
Humor stands for anything funny, which elicits a smile, laughter or amusing reaction. It is an essential quality of teachers that serves a number of purposes. Nothing will be difficult to undertake since a common feeling of eagerness exists among the students. It is not a surprise that students identify and describe their teachers by the enthusiasm and warmth they enjoy with them every minute. * Values and Attitude
Teachers are model of values. Whether conscious of them or not, values are exhibited implicitly and explicitly. These values and attitudes are: open-mindedness, fairness and impartiality, sincerity and honesty, professionalism. Open-mindedness is basic in promoting respect and trust between teachers and students. It opens avenues for unrestricted search for information and evidence. Problems and issues are resolved in democratic way. Fairness and impartiality in treating students eliminate discrimination. Teachers must be unbiased and objective in judging their work and performance. Avoid preferential considerations that result to negative response and indifference. Fairness inculcates self-confidence and trust among students. Sincerity and honesty are values exhibited in words and actions. Sincerity dictates that they stick to the truth, to the extent of confessing what they do not know about the lesson. Mistakes and faults are accepted and not “covered up”. In the end, students realize that it is better to tell the truth than feign a falsehood. Sincerity and honesty are taken as openness in dealing with others. Professionalism is highly treasured in the teaching profession. Teachers are adjudged professional if they are knowledgeable, skilled, and value-laden. In addition to competence in teaching, they must have internalized the edicts of the profession, thus exhibit ethical and moral conduct. Upright and exemplary in behavior they earn respect and high esteem from students, colleagues. They catch students’ attention and keep them focused on the topic, to soothe their feelings away from tension and to develop a sense of humor among themselves. * Patience
In teaching, patience refers to a teacher’s uncomplaining nature, self-control, and persistence. Patient teachers can forego momentous frustrations and disappointments. * Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is synonymous to eagerness and excitement. Enthusiastic teachers are full of energy and dynamism. Their passion and love for children are easily felt and not long after their lively presence in the classroom. Everyone anticipates an interesting and enjoyable learning activity. Personality is the sum of one’s personal characteristics. It is one’s identity. The teachers, more than any other professional, are momentarily subjected to scrutiny to the minutest detail and observation by those they associate with. Teachers are judge more strictly than any other professional thus, teachers’ personality must be natural genuine, that is, devoid of pretenses and artificiality. They must be consistent, true, and authentic.
1.2 School Factor
The school is the place where teaching and learning can take place in the most effective and productive manner. It consists of the classroom and all the instructional features and the non-threatening classroom climate needed in planning and implementing all teaching and learning activities.
In classroom proceedings, the clear and enthusiastic voice of the teacher that elicits equally eager and keen responses from the students helps create a conducive and beneficial ambiance for learning. The positive mood set by both could keep the activities lively and flawless. For smooth performance the supplies and materials are earlier prepared. There is a system of distribution procedures and retrieval after use. A methodical way of implementing procedures is the best assurance that the objectives of the lesson will be achieved.
A diverse situation may exist in the classroom at any given time. Students differ in abilities and interests while teachers likely employ different strategies. Teachers must be sensitive to positive or negative interactions and must immediately undertake an instant revision or adjustment in the methodology when necessary. The primary goal is to be able to motivate them to work harmoniously, thereafter, inculcate the values of cooperation, and congeniality. Despite differences in characteristics, their collective driving force and natural incentive to learn couples with the teachers unending task of preparing a suitable learning environment makes teaching and learning worthwhile and gratifying.
Pine and Horne (1990) described the learning environment that facilitates learning. It is an environment: * which encourages people to be active. * which promotes and facilitates the individual’s discovery of the personal meaning of idea. * which emphasizes the uniquely personal and subjective nature of learning. * in which difference is good and desirable. * which consistently recognizes people’s right to make mistakes. * which tolerates ambiguity. * in which evaluation is cooperative process with emphasis on self-evaluation. * which encourages openness if self rather than concealment of self. * in which people are encouraged to trust in themselves as well as in external sources. * in which people feel they are respected. * in which people feel they are accepted. * which permits confrontation.
1.3 Home-Environment Factor Parents should be included in their children’s Mathematics education in a meaningful way. Many researchers feel that it is the parents who are the single biggest factor in a child’s educational success (Ontorio Ministry of Education, 2004). Parents foster a positive attitude towards Mathematics in their children by demonstrating an interest in math, modeling perseverance in problem-solving, and highlighting Mathematics as it is encountered in their workplace and in the home environment. A positive attitude on the part of the parents supports the teacher’s classroom efforts. (Ontorio Ministry of Education, 2004) Including parents meaningfully means making them comfortable and welcome in their child’s school. This may be particularly important in the case of Mathematics, given that many parents’ experience of Mathematics in school may have been less than positive and that they are now faced with new Mathematical content (e.g. probability) taught in unfamiliar ways (Ontorio Ministry of Education, 2004). There are effective ways that teachers and schools can forge strong links with parents that benefit all involved many teachers already make good use of games and interesting problems for homework and optional home activities. In addition, as students share at home the problems that they are working on in school, parents will have their own ways of so living these problems, and these ways can be included in school discussions. (Ontorio Ministry of Education, 2004) Homework tasks must provide meaningful experiences for both children and parents for both children and parents. Activities should be engaging Mathematical experiences that highlight Mathematics in the students’ environment. Whether students are playing a game requiring strategy with family members or friends or completing an assigned task, their Mathematics homework should be meaningful, enjoyable and productive. (Ontorio Ministry of Education, 2004) Communication with parents about Mathematics education is essential. Principal and teachers play a key role in: * sharing the school’s focus on Mathematics with parents aid the community; * including in school newsletters Math sections that provide ideas for parents to use in assisting their child with Mathematics at home. * providing background information to parents regarding the rational of Mathematics instruction. * updating the parents about the performance of their child.
2. Internal Force 2.1 Student Factor The learner is equipped with cognitive as well as appetitive faculties. His/her cognitive faculties include his/her five senses, instinct, imagination, memory, and intellect. By his/her senses, the learner is able to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell whatever is to be learned. By the power of imagination, the earner is able to form representations of material objects which are not actually present to the sense. By his/her power of memory he is able to retain, recall and recognize past mental acts. By his/her intellect, s/he can form concepts or ideas, makes judgment, and reason out. His/her appetitive faculties are his/her feelings and emotions and rational will. By his/her feelings and emotions, s/he experiences the pleasantness or unpleasantness, the satisfactoriness or unsatisfactoriness, the pain and the joy of an object or an activity. His/her will serves as guiding force and the main integrating force in the learner’s character. By his/her will, the learner will what his/her intellect presents as good and desirable. (Corpuz, 2007) All learners are equipped with the cognitive and appetitive faculties. They differ however in the degree to which they are utilized and expressed on account of the learners’ abilities, aptitudes, interests, values and attitudes and home background. (Corpuz, 2007) * Ability
Ability determines their capacity to understand and assimilate information for their own use and application. As learners differ in the way they observe and interpret happenings in their surroundings. Some are more perceptive and discerning while others are less inquisitive. With such typical reactions and facility to learn, they me be classified generally into fast, average, and slow learners. Hence, their proficiency in searching for more knowledge and motivation in performance skills are contingent on their endowed potential to learn. * Aptitude
Aptitude refers to the students’ innate talent or gift. It indicates a natural capacity to learn certain skills. An early recognition of said natural adeptness among students is indeed compelling so as not to waste such inborn learning. Provisions of formative environment will be of great help in enabling them to flourish and grow. * Interest
Learners vary in activities that are undertaken due to a strong appeal or attraction. A physically robust student would go for the athletics, while an artistic and stylish student would pursue hobbies that are fascinating. Girls are strongly attracted to flowering plants and greeneries and their preoccupations revolve around them. Boys go for hiking and mountain climbing. * Family and Cultural Background
Students who come from different socioeconomic background manifest a wide range of behavior due to differences in upbringing practices. Their participation in classroom activities are influenced by their home training and experiences, either they become attuned and confident in their ways or inactive and apathetic. * Attitudes
Students have a unique way of thinking and reacting. Confronted with the same situation in the learning environment, each one would react differently depending on their personal characteristics. Attitude refers to an individual’s perspective and disposition. Some positive attitudes are: a. Curiosity
Curious students are at all time eager to learn. They are anxious to know more about an object or event by endlessly questioning until they get the right information. Children’s attitudes could be positive or negative to a given stimulus, hence, different interpretations and responses. Inquisitive learners will keep searching for answers or evidence rather than remain inattentive and disinterested in what is happening in the learning environment. They observe keenly and use their senses intelligently. b. Responsibility
Responsible students pursue assigned task to completion despite personal constraints. They are accountable for their actions and decisions. They are answerable for their conduct in the classroom. They can be depended upon for learning tasks, which are accomplished in an orderly and systematic manner. As such, they assume, duties, and obligations voluntarily. Responsible students can easily instill the same trustworthy attitude among themselves. c. Creativity
Students with creative minds are capable of generating own ideas of doing things. Being imaginative, they can think of new ways of arriving at solutions to their problems. They can innovate procedures and techniques instead of sticking to antiquated and traditional methodologies. Learning is achieved through their own inventions and novel revisions, thus producing new and improved products. d. Persistence
Persistent students sustain interest in a learning activity not mindful of the extra time and effort being spent. They pursue the task to completion and never give up when confronted with problems. They develop the attitude of trying alternative procedures until they obtain satisfactory results. They are driven by a never-ending search for more knowledge and information.
Related Studies * Foreign Studies
(Etsey, 2005) The teaching and learning materials like chalkboard, charts, pictures, etc. aid teaching and learning because pupils are able to see and often feel what the teacher teaches. They stimulate ideas, demand and active response from the learners and provide enjoyment. The lesson becomes more alive and understanding and grasping of the major concepts come easier. Professional qualifications of teachers are important in education. The professional skill of the teacher establishes a productive classroom atmosphere from the start by means of good organization and carefully planned teaching structures. Professional competence often transforms into high quality of teaching with the expectation that this would influence the learning of pupils. Interactions with teachers enable the parents to know what could be done to deal with the problems. It would also put the pupils on the alert and then study in school because they would know that their parents would come and inquire about their performances in school. In the Shama sub-metro, since interactions were limited, parents were not able to know about what was happening in the schools regarding their children. As such they could not provide much guidance and help to make their children’s performance improve. * Local Studies
The teachers considered a factor that should enhance the problem-solving ability of the students. However, because of certain factors like overloading of classes which prevents her from giving a thorough analysis to ## quizzes and tests, or the brief class periods that impeded her from giving individual instruction to most of her students, the teacher could not fully attain her objectives. A course of study which is not flexible enough to allow the teacher to address immediate needs of her students also deters her from successfully attaining her set objectives.
Attitude towards Mathematics, particularly if it is negative, draws the students away from the subject. However, in the confines of the secondary school, the effect of negative attitude towards Mathematics may perhaps be counteracted by other external factors like pressure from parents or from teachers. Peer group is also a very strong factor that may overcome the effect of negative attitude. (Singson, 1990)
(Bernardo, 2009) Academic performance was caused by factors that are internal or external to education. In methods/teaching strategies, teachers occasionally gave opportunity to use technology and to engage regularly in collaborative problem solving effort. This showed that methods/strategies are also significant factors that affect the academic performance of Grade V pupils in the District Achievement test. However, teachers are loaded with a classroom tasks thus, their teaching efficiency is affected, although they are committed to their teaching career. In pupils attitude some respondents claimed that they are confused of what to do in Mathematics. It was shown that pupils build poor knowledge of Mathematics idea, respondent answered that they have poor quality library mostly in Barangay Schools. It said that pupils that belonged to upper class school have a greater performance than the pupils who are in a lower class school.
(Ibabao, 2010) The socio-economic status – parents’ combined income, parents’ occupation, and the parents’ level of education were not found to have significant relationships with students’ achievements in Mathematics. It exempts, however, the occupation of the mother for those who took Algebra and the education of the father for those who took statistics. These two were found to have significant relationships with the students’ level of achievement.
Individually, parental support has no significant relation with the students’ achievement in the Algebra, Trigonometry, and Statistics. Collectively, though, they are found to be significantly correlated.
Authoritative and uninvolved parenting styles were found to have, no significant relationships with the students’ achievement in Mathematics on the other hand, authoritarian parenting style was found to be significant only with the students’ level of achievement in Algebra but not Trigonometry and Statistics. Meanwhile, permissive parenting style was found to be significant with the level of achievement of the students in Algebra and Trigonometry but not in Statistics. Generally, the students’ level of achievement was found to be significantly related with permissive and authoritarian parenting styles.
Teachers especially in the basic education, should make Mathematics interesting and more realistic. Emphasis on the basic skills should be done. Updating the parents about the performance of the students in the class is a must. Since it was found to have relationship with the students’ achievement in Mathematics, it is recommended that the parents extend any form of support to the children. This will boost their morale to perform better. Tutoring the students at home is highly advised parents should practice moderate parenting more so that the academic assistance to the students can be maximized. Home which is full with love is an ideal place to develop a holistic child.
According to Silva and Tadeo (2006), there are several factors which cause difficulties in Mathematics.
1. For the student-related factors, the subjects generally have an average mental ability as evidenced by their I.Q. score. They have positive attitude and interest toward Mathematics and their study habits, as shown by the different dimensions, fall within the acceptable range. Some problems though may be attributed to occasional laziness, boredom, and personal problems. Their learning styles are generally extroverted learning, sensing and judging though they also possess some limited strengths in introversion. Such medium of assimilation and processing of information have not been utilized to the fullest through the use of appropriate teaching styles. Their index of reading level is generally below the reading level of first year high school. Such reading deficiencies lead to reading frustration and failure to comprehend complex concepts and knowledge. Though their readability level is below first year high school, they posses self-regulatory skills that help them cope with their work. They implement some strategies in their studies especially before examinations.
2. The Mathematics faculty were academically prepared but may not be well-equipped with the skills to teach the subject. Furthermore, inadequate knowledge on human growth, learning and development make them unable to deal with appropriate instructional methods and strategies. This is attested by their beliefs and styles of teaching.
3. Parents are generally supportive of the students and they are positive that their children have the capacity to tackle Mathematics. Students do not consider their parents as contributory factors to their problems in their study of the subject.
4. Though the students have average mental ability, they still encounter difficulties in mathematics which is attributed to the reading deficiencies in vocabulary, comprehension and study skills. With an index readability level of below first year high school, any college student will encounter reading deficiencies especially so with number problems. Their learning styles are not congruent with the teaching styles of the faculty and this situation deters them from benefiting from the normal classroom setting. Their interest, study habits and attitudes, though within the acceptable level, are gearing towards the deterrent level. A good note however that is the students are aware of their own strengths and limitations and they undertake actions to overcome their limitations.
As regards school related factors, the inadequate pedagogical knowledge of the faculty can be a deterrent in teaching effectively. The number of years they have spent teaching mathematics may have made them experts in the area with respect to content but this is not everything in teaching. One has to know “how” the content can be translated into objectives and be able to accomplish them. What a teacher believes in and his/her personal professional principles will dictate her methods and strategies of teaching. It is best that a teacher sees learning as a dynamic process where one has to be open for changes.
The readiness of the students spell out their success and failure in the subject. If they have inadequate prerequisite skills, the succeeding level will result to more complicated difficulties. The Mathematics disciplines, like College Algebra curriculum, are a skill-based curriculum and as such, prerequisite skills must be mastered before moving on to next. To enhance the learning process, library facilities must be adequate for research and additional information.
* Relation of Present Study to Previous Studies
All the cited previous studies, local and foreign, were related to present study in terms of finding out the impact if the internal and external forces to the students performance. On the other hand, the present study focused only on Mathematics performance of the students whole the other previous study includes the total academic performance of the students. And also, the study differed in terms of respondents, scope, and local.
Through several studies have been undertaken here and abroad, the researchers were still interested to determine whether their findings were relevant among respondents under this study.
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research method that describes how the study was conducted. It includes all the description of the respondents, the sampling technique, the research locale, the procedure of gathered data, and sources of data.
Research Method The study used descriptive method to analyze, interpret and assess the attributing-factors (student- related, teacher-related, school-related, home-environment related) to students’ level of competencies in mathematics. This study will also suggest some remedial measures to be constituted so that the level of performance in mathematics will be improved. Descriptive research is a purposive proves of gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, belief, processes, trends, and cause-effect relationships and making adequate and accurate interpretations about such data with the aid of statistical methods (Calderon 1993)
Instrumentation The instrument used in this study is a set of checklist was adapted from the research conducted by Corazon S. Aspuria (2008) entitled “Assessment of Attributing Factors to the students Level of Competencies in Mathematics” ####
Sample and Sampling Techniques The total number of population of ##no. of sections## of 4h year students in Pacita Complex National High School was #population#. Using the Slovin’s Formula with 5% margin of error, the researchers come up to ##sample## students that serves as the sample size. Respondents are selected through stratified random sampling technique. The computation will be as followed. N1+Ne Where: n = is the sample size N = is the population size e = is the margin of error
Statistical Treatment of Data 1. To determine the 4th year students’ respondents in every section, percentage distribution was used. Formula for percentage formula distribution:
P = fn x 100%
Where: P = is the percentage f = number of frequency obtained from the respondents n = total number of respondents
2. The researchers used weighted mean to show the respondents’ performance in Mathematics through an achievement test.
f1w1 + f2w2 … fkwk f1 + f2 + … + fk
Where: WX = weighted mean f = is the frequency of each option w = is the weight of each option
3. Chi-square was applied to evaluate the extent of the attributing factors on the students’ level of performance in Mathematics. Chi – square test of independence is a technique for the testing the level of significance obtained by a vicariate relationship in a cross tabulation.
Where: OF = observed frequencies EF = expected frequencies
Research Locale The study was conducted at Pacita Complex National High School
Description of the Respondents ##number of population## of Pacita Complex National High School of school year 2012 – 2013 are the respondents of the study. The 4th year respondents are classified according to their section.
Data Gathering Procedures The researchers sought permission from the principal’s office to conduct a study among the students of Pacita Complex National High School, Municipality of San Pedro. The gathering procedure used in this research was written survey questionnaires to be answered by the respondents. The researchers personally administered the questionnaires to the respondents and gathered the accomplished data.
Sources of Data The researchers gathered data by means of survey questionnaires answered by the student respondents who are considered as the primary sources of information.
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skills. Mathematics is essential to the study of all other subjects on the curriculum. It is a…
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Satisfactory Essays -
For several years now the researcher have observed that the pupils in Grade III of Hayangon Primary School have been struggling in their performance in Math as indicated by the results of the yearly National Achievement Test (NAT). Poor performance is a problem manifested in various subject areas and more observable in Mathematics. In the previous years, a number of strategies and interventions were administered by the teacher to tackle the issue but only produced marginal positive result.…
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Good Essays -
* Realize that mathematics is an important and powerful tool in solving real-life problems and hence develop positive attitude towards mathematics.…
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Good Essays -
“Good teaching is a skillful blend of artistic and scientific elements. Teaching as an art involves beliefs, emotions, values and flexibility, while teaching as a science utilizes instructional practices that are proven by research to improve student achievement” (Snowman and Biehler, 2006). According to (Peters, R.) teaching can involve formal methods of instruction as well as informal ways of organizing things so that children will be led to discover things for themselves. According to (Manning, H. 2003, p. 11) “A teacher is the one to impart knowledge to students in different ways to assist learning.” Teaching factors are considered if something must be accomplished. It is practically stating that teaching is what is being taught, who is being taught, by whom it is being taught and to how many individuals on a daily basis. The act of teaching is accomplished by preparation of the designated teacher. The teacher therefore must be thoroughly educated.…
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Powerful Essays -
The foundation of Mathematics is extremely important because it deals with the encoding of information content into units with strictly linear order. Mathematics contains basic numeracy and fundamental practices that help students understand other field of mathematics (geometry, algebra, trigonometry, etc.). Mathematics can be considered as the mother of all learning in arts and sciences. It is a fundamental in every field: measurement, angles, technology and economics. Mathematics is not just computation but a tool for understanding structures, relationships and patterns to produce solutions for complex real life problems which means mathematics is a necessity for people of all ages to be successful in life…
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Powerful Essays