
Assessment of Canteens

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Assessment of Canteens
Chapter II
Review of related literature 1. Foreign 2.1 The role of the school canteen As part of the school environment, the canteen is in a unique position to make a positive contribution to students’ health and welfare. The school, together with parents, has a responsibility to educate students about food and nutrition. School canteens have several important functions: * to provide a service to the school community * to provide a variety of nutritious and attractively presented food and drinks at a reasonable cost * to practically reinforce the curriculum in Tasmanian Schools * to maintain high standards of hygiene in handling, preparing, serving and storage of food in line with the Tasmanian Food Act, 2003 and the Food Safety Standards * to function as an efficient business by: * offering a regular, high‐quality service to the school community * Operating at a break‐even point or at a reasonable profit for the benefit of the school and, in turn, each child.
Through involvement in the work of the canteen, parents can: * contribute to setting educational goals and policies * participate in the development or evaluation of a canteen policy * Look at health and nutrition education in general. This may be done as members of a canteen committee or as interested parents assisting directly with the work of the canteen. When canteen staff, parents, teachers and students work together, the canteen can become a focal point for nutrition education that supports and reinforces what students learn at home, in the classroom and in the community.
(The Tasmanian School Canteen Handbook- Auatralia) 2.2 Personal Beliefs, Values, and Food Experiences Food choice and dietary consumption in LTC facilities are influenced by past experiences with food and eating, which are formed by one's values and beliefs (Briley, 1994; Parraga, 1990; Khan, 1998). Attitudes

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