Joanelle S. Castañeda
Department of Biology- Caraga State University
Abstract- Assessment of macroinvertebrates in selected aquatic environs of Bunawan Brook, Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, Philippines was conducted for two index seasons (dry and wet) for the year 2013. Reach – Wide Benthos (Multihabitat) procedure of SWAMP (2007) with some modifications was used in conducting the study. Species were collected using a 500µm D-frame net and were preserved using 95% ethanol, photographed and was identified up to species level. A total of 43 identified species were collected from both wet and dry seasons. Identified species comprised of Arthropoda (77%), Mollusca (18%) and Annelida (5%). G. remigis was the most abundant in terms of number of individuals collected for the two seasons. Taxa 2 was the most abundant in terms of number of species and number of individuals for both wet and dry seasons resulting to a generally “moderate water quality”. Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) of both season (wet and dry) has varied values indicating “good water quality”. Water Quality Index (WQI) of both seasons also has values indicating “rather dirty- average water” quality. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera (EPT) index for both wet and dry season generally has “poor rating”. Selected parameters computed for both season had shown no significance difference. However, occurrence of macroinvertebrates belonging to categories Taxa 1, 2 and 3 per index season have shown a significant difference, thus indicating that the macroinvertebrate composition and abundance varied between index seasons and elevations.
INTRODUCTION Current conditions of aquatic ecosystems are affected by human activities causing species to disappear at an alarming rate. Run off from agricultural and urban areas, the invasion of exotic species, and the creation of dams, mining activities and water
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