
Assessment of Premarital Sexual Practices and Factors Related to Itamong High School Students

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Assessment of Premarital Sexual Practices and Factors Related to Itamong High School Students
Assessment of Pre-marital sexual practices and factors related to it among Hawas Preparatory school Adama.


1.1 Background information

For the development of a given society, it is pretty obvious that youth population have a crucial role to play. Especially, in countries like Ethiopia, more than two-thirds of the populations are below 30 years of age, these age groups are expected to be in the forefront in building the country. However, an increasing number of adults in Ethiopia are facing several psychological, economical, social and physical problems due to the prevalence of careless sexual intercourses. Especially, those who are in high schools are very much subject to these problems more than anyone else.

In Ethiopia there are no longer any penalties for premarital sex, nor is there an automatic marriage when the female becomes pregnant. At one time society had these and other penalties for pregnant females. Since premarital sex is so prevalent in the Ethiopia today, it would be impractical to impose penalties for it as societal norms are so very different.

Some studies revealed that, two out of four peoples in urban Ethiopia practiced their first sexual intercourses in their respective high schools. The general population also adapted stigma and discrimination towards those who are in problems with the result pre-marital sex. According to some information, most females who are living in the street sides and commercial sex workers are pushed out by their parents due to pre-marital sex which is the cause for abortion and HIV/AIDS.

One of the most painful, and yet overlooked aspects of sex outside marriage is emotional scars. What might start as fun, exciting and romantic can end in a lifetime of painful memories. In another, it will create big health problems for teenagers who are practicing pre-marital sex during their early ages.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Premarital sex can be an offense in civil laws in some

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