Performance objective
The student must demonstrate ability, knowledge and skills to identify, prioritise and implement marketing strategies and tactics. Brief stakeholders, marketing and non-marketing personnel on the plan. Set communication and team building strategies. Implement strategies to monitor marketing activities and analyse marketing performance.
Assessment description
The student is to write a two to three page report that reviews the actual, or possible implementation strategies and tactics for an organisation for which they can access or determine a marketing plan.
Students can use “Coffeeville” marketing plan for this assessment. Assessor will ensure that student has access to Workplace simulation documents at ANGAD Australian Institute of Technology. Students are also allowed to use their place of work which you are familiar with, or another as negotiated with the assessor.
The report should cover the following aspects of implementing marketing strategies and tactics: Brief stakeholders and non-marketing personnel on their roles and responsibilities and performance measures; outline the marketing plan; prioritise marketing strategies; implement communication and team building strategies to ensure the personnel responsible for implementation work together; and implement strategies for monitoring marketing activities and analysing marketing performance.
1. Select a marketing plan. The student, with direction from their Assessor may either:
a. utilise the marketing plan of Coffeeville.
Or :
b. of an organisation with which they are familiar, for example, their own workplace
2. Review the marketing plan to determine the strategies and tactics.
3. Prepare a two to three page report reviewing the actual, or possible, implementation of the strategy and