Assessor’s Script
The Assessor will now introduce herself. After introducing herself, she will now introduce the TESDA Representative.
The Assessor: Good Morning/Afternoon everyone! I am Jovi Keith S. Agapito. I will be your assessor for NC – CHS II. I graduated here in College for Research and Technology and had my master’s degree in Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology.
The Assessor: Beside me is Mr. Daniel G. Urbanozo, our TESDA Representative. He graduated in Cagayan State University and had his master’s degree in Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology. He is a full-time faculty here in College for Research and Technology. He is an accredited competency assessor for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II. He will help me to oversee the conduct of competency assessment methodology and procedures.
National Assessment Applied – NC II CHS
The Assessor: What is NC II – CHS? Does anyone know?
*The candidates can answer the question but if no one wants to answer, the assessor will explain what is NC II – CHS.”
The Assessor: NC II – CHS is a course created by TESDA. NC II – CHS is a computer course. It involves the tangible part of the computer, the hardware.
The Assessor: After hearing the definition of NC II – CHS, we can say that it is very important. It has its own importance and benefits like for example, work. Nowadays, if we would like to apply on a company, it will serve as your weapon in applying. NC II – CHS is accredited on foreign countries. NC II – CHS is important because it will give you additional knowledge and an advantage to challenges.
The Assessor: Moving on, we are now going to tackle the Core Competencies of NC II – CHS. There are 4 Units of Competencies. These are:
Install Computer Systems and Network
Diagnose Computer Systems and Network
Configure Computer Systems and Network
Maintain Computer Systems and Network
Installing Computer Systems and Network – This module will teach you how to