Assignment 5: Compensation and Benefits
Professor: Horacio Carreón Flores- MIB Group: 5ui
Students: Kareny Alejandra Benavides Franco 1542690 Ildebrando Sitiel González 1565654 Laura Cristina Moreno Benavides 1488117 Ester Diamantina Saucedo Serrano 1563534
Ciudad Universitaria, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México. October 31, 2014
Introduction Pay Structure
Minimum, Mid-point, & Maximum salaries
Evaluation of our pay structure
Benefits Policy
Pay-for-Performance Plan
Performance Appraisal
This time we hope you can enjoy the lecture and do not really realize how much we struggled when trying to create a pay system for our organization and for the jobs we performed in the job analysis; and see the policy to administer the pay & benefits for the organization.
You will be able to understand and answer questions such as what is our organization’s policy towards benefits. Aren’t you curious about if it is everyone entitled to benefits or only the full-time employees? Or things such as if we offer minimum benefits or additional prerequisites?
But of course, there it is a lot of more. We chose other different jobs from the organization as examples, and evaluate our pay structure using the internal equity, the external equity, and the internal equity pay comparisons criteria.
We developed a benefits policy, so you can understand or have an idea of what specifically we are going to offer in our “benefits package” to our employees, and without forget the Pay-for-Performance Plan.
And all of that (and more) you will be able to find up next. We tried not to do it “boring” or
Bibliography: Mondy, J. B., Monday, R., & Wayne. (2010). Human Resouce Management. New Jersey: Pretience Hall.