|Analysis |d) Anticipated Problems |
|a) Meaning |Ss may confuse present continuous with will. |
|The act of coming together in the future by a chance or |Ss understand it’s something that is being done at the moment |
|arrangement. |of speaking (action in progress). |
|b) Form |Ss forget to use the verb suffix “ing”. |
|Statement: Subj. + Verb to be + Verb +ing |Ss use no instead of using not. |
|Negative: Subj. + verb to be + not + ing |Ss forget to use the verb to be before the subj. in the |
|Question: Verb to be + Subj. + verb + ing ...? |question. |
|c) Pronunciation |Ss don’t raise intonation when making questions. (Phonemic |
|Stress on the first syllable (me’ting). |Symbols) |
|Use of contraction with the subj. + verb to be (I’m). (Phonemic|Ss don’t use contraction with the subj. + verb to be. |
|Symbols) |(Phonemic Symbols) |
|Present continuous is pronounced /ing/. |Ss forget the stress in the first syllable of the ing verb. |
|(Phonemic Symbols) |(Phonemic Symbols) |
e) Providing a context/conveying meaning
Present the following dialogue:
A: Hi John! How are you?
B: I’m good,
References: “Apple MacBook Dictionary”, Version 2.2.3 (118.5), (© 2005-2011). “Apple MacBook Dictionary”, Version 2.2.3 (118.5), (© 2005-2011).