Assignment 1 – part (B) about 1500 words
This assignment is divided into 2 parts.
Parts (a) produce a written contract for use within your Enterprise business module. This is a group task.
Part (B) ‘The law on undue influence is clear but leaves a lot of room for judicial discretion in application of the rules.’
Discuss the extent to which this statement is true, with relevance and application of case law in your answer.
Look at current case law on credit agreements/unequal bargaining power/vitiating factors can use the following websites: Assessment Criteria
Identify the rules of contract formation including the ‘battle of the forms’
Identify and explain the main vitiating factors.
Grade descriptors
The work makes use of relevant ideas and concepts with either breadth or depth and very good levels of consistency, precision, insight, analysis
The work makes use of relevant ideas and concepts with either breadth or depth and excellent levels of consistency, precision, insight, analysis
The work shows very good command of format, structure, language, syntax, register, spelling, punctuation
The work shows excellent command of format, structure, language, syntax, register, spelling, punctuation
The work is structured in a way that is generally logical and fluent, may contain some ambiguities or limitations in the expression of arguments or ideas, taken as a whole demonstrates a very good response to the demands of the assignment
The work is structured in a way that is consistently logical and fluent; arguments and ideas are unambiguous and cogent; taken as a whole demonstrates an excellent response to the demands of the assignment