Explain how energy evolved over time into a consumable good. Does it still satisfy the original need for which it was created? Why or why not? How have our basic needs for energy changed?
According to Aubrecht (2006), the daily energy use per person has increased from 2,000 kcals when humans were just hunters to 244,526 kcals in 2000. From the beginning of the human race, we have used energy; First by setting wood and other materials on fire, using animals to assist in daily tasks, to using machinery, to finally evolving to the massive use of energy today. Today energy is still needed to cook our food and make our daily lives easier thus satisfying the original need. Although energy is still necessary, I believe humans use too much
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Aubrecht, A. J. (2006). Energy: Physical, environmental, and social impact (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
What is the connection between population growth and energy use? How are each interrelated to the supply and demand of energy consumption and creation? Explain your answer.
The increase in population is supported by the steady increase of our use of energy. Modern society is dependent on a massive amount of energy. If that energy were not available or if it declined at any significant amount, it could have a detrimental effect on the population. Should energy supplies decline, price will increase, and the economic challenged population may have to go without needed fuel or electricity. If they are already below a sustaining level, this could be tragic.
Why is it more expensive to transmit electricity locally than over long distances? Please list various reasons for this. Why would an energy plant want to distribute electricity locally if there are fewer profit margins?
According to Aubrecht (2006), ten percent of electric energy is lost in the transmission process. Of the ten percent, eight percent is loss locally. There are higher losses of energy at very low distribution voltage. Therefore, the cost to transmit electricity locally is more expensive.
The increase in market share, market growth, and no way to storage unused energy, would be reasons why an energy plant would want to distribute electricity locally even though profit margins were less.
Aubrecht, A.
J. (2006). Energy: Physical, environmental, and social impact (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Explain what is meant by base load, intermediate load, and peak load. Why are these concepts important to understanding the production of electricity and energy management? How do these relate to the end users of the product?
According to Aubrecht, base load is the basic amount of electricity that is always required. Base load is generated by the utilities large facilities. Intermediate load is the amount of electricity that slowly cycles on and off. Peak load is the time in which demand for electricity is the greatest. Peak load is usually only a few hours a day. Utilities meet peak load demand by using additional generators that can be stated quickly.
Electricity cannot be easily stored. Therefore, demand has to be anticipated by the utility company. Season and time of day are the predominate drivers of consumption. Enough electricity needs to be supplied to meet demand on the hottest day of summer. Maintaining a reliable electric system without interrupting power to the consumer cannot be accomplished without the balance of supply and demand.
Aubrecht, A. J. (2006). Energy: Physical, environmental, and social impact (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
Describe the extent of damage done to the power grid during Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, Texas, and Louisiana. Explain major concerns that plagued electric utilities during the restoration phase. What effects did the demand for electricity have on assorted load requirements in these areas? Why was electrical load an important issue?
Should the world be concerned that China, with enormous coal deposits, is undergoing explosive economic development? Explain why or why not, with reference to pollution control. How does this deter the U.S. energy sector from pushing towards a more costly, but greener means of energy production?
The world should be concerned that China is undergoing explosive economic development. China consumes the most energy in the world and is expected to increase its demand by 75% between 2008 and 2035. China is the largest producer and consumer of coal. 70% of China’s energy supply is produced by coal. China produces more carbon dioxide than any other country in the world. If China’s carbon usage mirrors it’s economic growth, by 2030 its carbon dioxide emissions would equal what the entire world has produced today.
Honestly, I would think with stats like the above would motivate other countries to be responsible and produce clean energy regardless of the cost. The world, not just China or the U.S., needs to take drastic steps to produce clean energy.
Reference: http://www.china-mike.com/facts-about-china/facts-pollution-environment-energy/ WK3-DQ2:
What is the reason that nuclear utility plants are so expensive? How is nuclear power’s cost different from that of coal burning plants? Why and when would you choose one over the other? Explain your answer.
Nuclear utility plants are so expensive because of the capital cost. A 1,000-megawatt nuclear unit is estimated to cost $10-$12 billion to construct. A plant generally consists of more than one unit. The cost of producing electricity using nuclear power is less than that of a coal-fired plant. In 1999 the cost to produce a kilowatt hour for coal was 2.07 cents, for nuclear it was 1.83 cents. I believe there are many factors that need to be considered in using one over the other. Safety, the effects on the environment, emissions, waste, delivery to the consumer, location of fuel, sustainability, and reliability are a few.
References: http://v1.apebble.com/static/clean/CSI_Nuclear_Power_Fact_Sheet2.pdf http://www.aboutnuclear.org/view.cgi?fC=Electricity,Benefits_%5E_Effects
Among the various strategies for producing energy, how are the various renewable resources similar in how they produce electricity? What differentiates them mechanically from each other? Which renewable resource is the most difficult to manage? How do these various sources compensate for expansion?
According to Aubrecht (2006), renewable resources are similar in that they are all products of the energy delivered by the sun. The energy from the sun warms the earth, “and drives the winds and the ocean current” (pg. 454). The mechanical difference is the sources themselves. The sun provides heat/sun ray which is captured via solar panels, it drives the wind which move the blades of a windmill, and it drives the water current used by water mills or dammed to generate energy.
Each resource has its advantages and disadvantages in terms of management. To say one is easier than the other is relative. It is my opinion that renewable resources compensate for expansion by being replenished.
Aubrecht, A. J. (2006). Energy: Physical, environmental, and social impact (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall.
What is the main cost driver of renewable energy production? How does this differ from nonrenewable energy costs? Aside from environmental implications, why would energy companies lean towards a more costly means of producing energy?
The main cost driver for renewable energy production is the cost of capital. After the infrastructure is in place, the fuel is free. This is not the case for nonrenewable energy production, where fuel prices can be volatile and supply is finite. The benefit of an infinite supply of free fuel would cause energy organizations to lean towards a more costly means of producing energy. Nonrenewable technology is mature, whereas renewable energy technology is rapidly changing, giving organizations the opportunity to increase efficiency in their renewable production.
http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/technology/industry-news/ http://www.ren21.net/Portals/97/documents/GSR/REN21_GSR2011.pdf http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12619&page=R1 http://www.acore.org/what-is-renewable-energy WK5-DQ1
Other than environmental repercussions, what energy-related problems are facing the human race? How has the change in energy demand affected governing agencies?
Energy demand and consumption is major issue facing the human race today. The increasing dependency on massive amounts of energy could have us headed toward tragic consequences. If energy is not available or its availability decline significantly, it could detrimentally effect the world’s population. Governing agencies are under increased pressure to put in place regulations to protect our environments, the human race, and our economies.
Which federal agency is responsible for governing the nation’s nuclear power plants? Explain its role and function. How does this agency relate and interact with the agencies of other energy sources?
Several government agencies are responsible for nuclear power plants in the U.S. The primary agency is the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The NRC issues polices/regulations for the safe operations of radioactive material and nuclear reactors. The NRC also issues licenses, oversees the programs for emergency response, and performs inspections. Other agencies associated with nuclear power plants are, Environmental Protection Agency (environmental standards for emissions and spend fuel disposal), Department of Homeland Security (FEMA – evaluates emergency plans), and the Department of Energy (responsible for the plan for spent fuel).
Reference: http://www.epa.gov/radtown/nuclear-plant.html ____________________________________________________ http://www.need.org/needpdf/infobook_activities/SecInfo/Elec1S.pdf http://www.energybiz.com/blog/11/07/coal-and-natural-gas-titans-clash http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/lists/whos-to-blame-12-politicians-and-execs-blocking-progress-on-global-warming-20110119/gregory-boyce-ceo-peabody-energy-19691231 http://machinecontrolonline.com/content/view/7686/2/ http://www.buzzle.com/articles/types-of-power-plants.html http://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/pdf/statereport.pdf