Thomas J. Blank, MA
The security component that is most caution overall in the listed situations would be that of the physical security characteristic. I will address less applicable for these specific environments throughout a vulnerability assessment would be personnel security, data security, and interdepartmental dependencies. By hiring security staff or a law enforcement agent to monitor-guard a place of worship during service is unrealistic and extremely cost-effective. Due to places of worship sustaining with the aid of donations from members of the place of worship and commonly utilizing them to help pay for utilities, food, and sometimes for the salaries of priests, pastors and other staff the hiring of security would be impossible.
By implementing the information security characteristic would also be productive and non-cost efficient. In each scenario the attacker’s goal was not proposed for financial gain, but due to a political or personal dispute. So, by establishing a security system to defend critical data, such as alarm codes, safe blends, and other important documentation would not have been affective in any of the giving situations.
Interdepartmental dependency is a security characteristic I consider to be of smallest significance in any of these positions. …show more content…
Closed caption television cameras can monitor dangerous situations from a secure region. This can give security officers and regulation enforcement the upper hand in a precarious situation. The use of alert schemes can be triggered automatically or manually throughout a hostage position which would save time and alleviate the criminal from being able to make thought out conclusions. Sprinkler systems are another kind of security characteristic that will go off throughout a fire or bomb. Sprinklers can save valuable merchandise and