May 16,2016
Fred Clasen-Kelly
The charlotte observer According to this article North Carolina Medical board os investigating 60 doctors and physician assistant with patients who had died of overdose. Why? By law name have to stay confidential but between those 60 doctors each not hem have two or more patients who wee overdose on painkillers in a year. The board is also looking at 12 others doctors and physicians assistants who have prescribes larges dose known as opioids.
Opioids are substances that act opioids receptors to produce morphine like effects most use medically relieves pain, that can refers as drugs derived from opium, including , morphine itself.
Over one thousand people a year in North Carolina in the las two decades died of overdose prescriptions such as oxycontin, percolate and others pain killers know as Opioids and to make it work these doctors are not even to be likely be responsible. In 2013 through 2015 there were more than 7000 cases the medical board was investigated but 343 cases was about the presciption issue. The article also refers to some states such as Kentucky, Tennessee, and Texas these states keep as databases and send information to law enforcement perhaps these should be a law …show more content…
Thankful in 2014 the board finally give a statement of now physician should prescribe painkillers. Dr. Andrew Rolony Known as the chief medical officer of phoenix house said that medical board in North Carolina adopted model legislation that pushed doctor to use highly addictive medication. He also said that they fails to protect the public as was well as spreading Opioids. State Rep Craig Horn who supports stricter oversight of prescribing practices said these are needs to be more responsibility, which mean a higher level responsibility need to be risen when people lives are being