ASSESSMENT SHEET(to be completed by the examiner) | Student name: | | | | Course name: | | | | Subject name: | | | | Assessor/marker: | | | | COMMENTS | Principles used (for example, number and understanding of concepts referred to, their influence on the structure of this paper, number and correct citations of references, use of appropriate jargon) | | /4 | | | Application of those principles, that is, the analysis and evaluation of the example problem based on the principles, including the final recommendations and their justification | | | /8 | | | How well the example problem was described, including the extent and depth of information (including the data) about it that was accessed | | | /4 | | | Structure and presentation | | | /2 | | | Style, grammar and language | | | /2 | | | Total | | Less penalties | | GRAND TOTAL | /20 | General comments | | | | FOR MODERATOR’S USE ONLY | I agree with the assessor’s assessment I disagree with the assessor’s assessment and the new mark is as follows for the following reasons: | /20 | | Moderator: | |